Labour’s plan for nursery places is great – in theory | Letters

Labour’s plan for nursery places is great – in theory | Letters

Iain Dalton urges Leeds’s Labour-led council to reconsider nursery closures, while Anne-Louise Crocker and Emily Brookes wonder where new staff for the promised 100,000 extra places will come from

I’m sure many parents who are struggling to find a nursery place for their children will be happy to hear the proposal from Labour to create 100,000 new places in England, including in areas currently with limited provision (Labour pledges to create more than 100,000 new nursery places, 9 June).

But in a number of Labour-controlled local authorities, there are desperately needed nursery places that are facing the axe, including here in Leeds, as well as places such as Hackney and Brighton. Why convert schools, when there are purpose-built places already available that just need to be kept open? One of the reasons we have been given for the proposal to close three nurseries in Leeds, and privatise up to 12 others, is a lack of staffing, so parents will be keen to learn how Labour’s proposal will ensure these are fully staffed places with correct training.

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