Letter: Way too little, way too late from Karen Bass

Letter: Way too little, way too late from Karen Bass

This is what politicians in LA Mayor Karen Bass’ current predicament say when they are pressed to the wall by horrible realities that they helped to create, they say things like this: “My number one focus and the focus of all of us here is we have to protect lives, save lives and save homes…Rest assured, when that is done, when we are safe, when lives have been saved, we will absolutely do an evaluation to look at what worked, what didn’t work, and to correct or hold accountable any body, department, individual, etc.”

I wonder what Bass means by “hold accountable.”  Should they be fired, and should that include herself?  Because we aren’t safe, we’re still at risk, and lives weren’t saved…people died.

It would be irrational to blame the winds on politicians like Bass, and it would be equally irrational to blame the ignition of a fire on them (“them” includes Governor Gavin Newsom), but I think it would be fair to blame them for the amount of state and local resources that are available (or NOT available) to deal with situations like this.  From what I’ve seen simple basics like water and manpower were drained very early on in the fight, and why so much uncleared underbrush?  Why is that?

Where are our tax dollars going?  What’s the point in protecting undocumented immigrants, the homeless, and a little fish, when you render entire cities vulnerable to such destruction?  How do you justify mismanagement of that order?  Should people like Bass (and Newsom) be allowed to continue to lead?

Apparently the same people who were burned out of their homes still think so because they keep electing them.

Arthur Saginian, Santa Clarita

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