Multiparty debate shows an audience tiring of the Labour-Tory slugging match | Rafael Behr

Multiparty debate shows an audience tiring of the Labour-Tory slugging match | Rafael Behr

There were no knock-out blows, but some refreshing arguments that don’t get aired when the two heavyweights dominate the ring

It is called a general election, but Friday night’s multiparty debate was a reminder that it is also a messy array of specific elections.

Over on one side of the stage, Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner traded blows in the prize fight between incumbent power and the only challenger that can supply a replacement government. First on defence, then on tax and the cost of living, the Tory leader of the house piled into the deputy Labour leader in full Westminster pugilism mode. Rayner defended herself gamely and landed a few jabs in return. More than once Mishal Husain, a coolly professional umpire throughout, had to separate the combatants.

Rafael Behr is a Guardian columnist

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