My Eight-Month Journey as a Self-Taught Developer

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After almost two years working as an auditor, I knew I needed a change. I wasn’t satisfied with my job and felt I had a lot more potential that I could tap into. That feeling wasn’t new.

Since the last year of my bachelor’s (BBA), I had the idea of studying for a Master’s in Big Data. I thought that a couple of years working would allow me to save money for that goal. After two years working, I realized that I had the money, but I didn’t have the programming skills to be eligible for any programs. During this time, I had been doing a few programming courses, but nothing really serious.

That’s when I realized that if I wanted things to be different, I had to do different things. As Jim Rohn said, “When someone asks me how the next two years will be, I answer that they will be like the last two years unless they change something.”

I didn’t leave the job; I decided I would work full-time for a living while working part-time toward my goal.

And here I am, after eight months working part-time toward my goal of becoming a developer. I’ve learned a lot during this time and have made many mistakes on my self-taught journey. I’ll surely continue making mistakes because that’s part of the learning process.

I have two months left in my audit job before leaving it to start a Master’s in Big Data in September 2024. Looking back, I feel proud of my commitment to becoming part of the developer community. It has allowed me to discover a field that has become one of my passions and a main driver of my curiosity.

The purpose of this blog is to share with the community the learning process of a newbie developer and to serve as a journal where I write down my feelings and thoughts along this journey. Since I’ve drawn inspiration and help from others stories, I hope mine can be useful for someone.”

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