Is negative effect of the $20 fast-food wage overblown? Experts weigh in

Is negative effect of the $20 fast-food wage overblown? Experts weigh in

By Phillip Molnar | San Diego Union-Tribune Earlier this month, California fast-food workers started earning a $20 an hour minimum wage. The law applies to restaurants offering limited or no table service and which are part of a national chain with at least 60 establishments nationwide. Proponents of the bill, and many fast-food workers, say…

RMAG news

Turcul care a tranşat o femeie şi-a recunoscut fapta

Cetăţeanul turc reţinut în cazul cadavrului unei femei găsit în urmă cu câteva zile la ieşirea de pe A1, în localitatea dâmboviţeană Olteni, a recunoscut că a ucis-o pe femeie. La audieri, bărbatul a ddclarat că a lovit-o pe femeie cu un scaun şi când a văzut că nu mai respiră a dezmembrat-o şi apoi…

Emma Stone to Star in Movie Directed by Husband Dave McCary for Universal

Emma Stone to Star in Movie Directed by Husband Dave McCary for Universal

(Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic) According to Deadline, Oscar winner Emma Stone is currently in negotiations for the leading role in Universal Pictures‘ untitled movie from producer Shawn Levy (Deadpool & Wolverine). In addition, Stone’s husband and former Saturday Night Live segment director Dave McCary is also in talks to helm the project. This would mark…

Heartbreak High Season 2: How Many Episodes & When Do New Episodes Come Out?

Heartbreak High Season 2: How Many Episodes & When Do New Episodes Come Out?

Credits: Netflix Viewers of Heartbreak High Season 2 are wondering how many episodes are in the series and when each new episode comes out. In the series, Amerie, a high school student, becomes hated after she takes responsibility for creating a map that exposes the sexual activities of students at Hartley High School. She co-authored…

Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu

Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Microsoft says it’s starting to test ads inside the Start menu on Windows 11. The software maker will use the Recommended section of the Start menu, which usually shows file recommendations, to suggest apps from the Microsoft Store. “This will appear only for Windows Insiders in the Beta…

House votes to reauthorize FISA, without the warrant requirement amendment

House votes to reauthorize FISA, without the warrant requirement amendment

Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos from Getty Images After three failed attempts and a heated floor debate, the House voted on Friday to reauthorize a controversial program that lets US intelligence agencies spy on foreign communications without a warrant. The bill ultimately passed 273–147. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is…

Alertă de călătorie! MAE reamintește recomandarea adresată cetățenilor români de a evita orice călătorie în Israel, Palestina, Liban şi Iran

Alertă de călătorie! MAE reamintește recomandarea adresată cetățenilor români de a evita orice călătorie în Israel, Palestina, Liban şi Iran

Ministerul de Externe a transmis un comunicat pe site-ul, prin care a reamintit recomandarea adresată cetăţenilor români, și anume, de a evita orice călătorie în Israel, Palestina, Liban şi Iran, iar românii aflaţi în aceste zone sunt îndemnaţi să manifeste precauţie.   Statele pe care ar trebui să le evitați în această perioadă  …

Un bărbat a stat treaz timp de 453 de ore, adică aproape 19 zile. Ce s-a întâmplat cu el

Un bărbat a stat treaz timp de 453 de ore, adică aproape 19 zile. Ce s-a întâmplat cu el

Un bărbat a stat treaz timp de 453 de ore, adică aproape 19 zile, stabilind astfel un record. Medicii au fost uimiți de efectele apărute după experiența acestuia. Întregul experiment a devenit atât de periculos, încât cei de la Cartea Recordurilor au oprit contorizarea timpului, susținând că „e totul mult prea periculos”. Ce s-a întâmplat…

Cold storm bringing rain and snow to Southern California

Cold storm bringing rain and snow to Southern California

Another late-season storm will push into Southern California on Friday, dropping temperatures and bringing rain that could last through the weekend. “The cooling trend will spread throughout the interior by Friday as onshore flow strengthens ahead of another late season cold upper low dropping south along the West Coast,” according to the National Weather Service….

Pythons are eating the Everglades. Could eating them instead help fight climate change?

Pythons are eating the Everglades. Could eating them instead help fight climate change?

Ashley Miznazi | Miami Herald (TNS) MIAMI — The voracious Burmese python has done widespread damage to the Everglades food chain, pretty much wiping out populations of small mammals like marsh bunnies and gulping down everything from birds to alligators. But a new study out of Australia suggests a paradoxical prospect: Florida’s most destructive invasive…

RMAG news

È morto Roberto Cavalli: addio allo stilista fiorentino noto in tutto il mondo

Roberto Cavalli e il suo stile subito riconoscibile: i broccati, gli intarsi in pelle, le stampe animalier, gli abiti print leopardo, zebra, tigre. E il colore, la sua ossessione. Roberto Cavalli, il ragazzo che da giovanissimo si appassionò alla pittura, che si appassionò alla fotografia e che divenne in tutto il mondo un’icona della moda…

RMAG news

Avalanche Studios devs have reached a contract agreement in bid to unionize

Late last year, over 100 employees of Avalanche Studios, the makers of Just Cause, announced an intent to unionize. The workers have officially ironed out a collective bargaining agreement with the Swedish labor unions Unionen and Engineers of Sweden. The agreement goes into effect during the second quarter of 2025. While specifics of the agreement…

Bodkin Season 1 Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Netflix?

Bodkin Season 1 Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Netflix?

Credits: Netflix The Bodkin Season 1 Netflix release date is just around the corner, and viewers are wondering when they can start streaming the TV series. Created by Jez Scharf, Bodkin is an upcoming thriller series set in a small town in Ireland. Scharf serves as executive producer along with Alex Metcalf, Tonia Davis, David…

Seven organizations the far right is targeting for diversity efforts post-affirmative action

Seven organizations the far right is targeting for diversity efforts post-affirmative action

Conservatives are taking legal action against public and private organizations that aim to aid women and people of color Last year’s supreme court decision to ban affirmative action in college and university admissions was a watershed moment for far-right conservative activists and groups, who have used the momentum to target not only public institutions, but…

Former Elburn and Countryside Fire District lieutenant found guilty of theft

Former Elburn and Countryside Fire District lieutenant found guilty of theft

A former lieutenant with the Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District has been found guilty of stealing from the fire district, the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office announced on Friday. Kane County Judge David Kliment found Greg M. Algrim, 47, guilty of 13 felony counts and six misdemeanor counts of theft, officials said. Algrim waived…

RMAG news

Restricții de circulație în Capitală sâmbătă şi duminică

Traficul rutier va fi restricţionat în mai multe zone din Capitală cu ocazia desfăşurării mai multor evenimente, a anunţat, vineri, Brigada Rutieră. În zilele de sâmbătă şi duminică, între orele 10,00 – 21,00, PROEDUS – Centrul de Proiecte Educaţionale şi Sportive al Municipiului Bucureşti, va organiza evenimente cultural-artistice dedicate proiectului „Străzi Deschise – Bucureşti, Promenadă…

Hezbollah anunţă că a lansat zeci de rachete Katiuşa asupra Israelului, în timp ce SUA trimit întăriri în Orientul Mijlociu, pe fondul amenințărilor Iranului

Hezbollah anunţă că a lansat zeci de rachete Katiuşa asupra Israelului, în timp ce SUA trimit întăriri în Orientul Mijlociu, pe fondul amenințărilor Iranului

Mișcarea islamistă Hezbollah, susţinută de Iran, a anunţat vineri, 12 aprilie, că a lansat “zeci de rachete” asupra unor poziţii israeliene, ca răspuns la atacurile israeliene în sudul Libanului, informează Agerpres preluând AFP. Luptătorii Hezbollah au transmis că atacat “poziţii de artilerie inamice (…) cu zeci de rachete de tip Katiuşa”, a indicat gruparea șiită…

RMAG news

Hürzeler „war erschrocken“: St. Paulis Wahl schäumte nach Platzverweis

Seine Gelb-Rote Karte war aus gleich mehreren Gründen strittig. Dennoch wurde Hauke Wahl gegen den KSC (1:2) vorzeitig des Feldes verwiesen. Im Anschluss war der Innenverteidiger offenbar völlig aufgelöst. Dass es stolze 246 Zweitliga-Spiele dauerte, bis Wahl erstmals vom Platz flog, veranlasste Trainer Fabian Hürzeler derweil zur Selbstironie. Als Schiedsrichter Michael Bacher Wahl vom Platz…

RMAG news

Warnung auch in Hamburg: Essen Sie nicht diese Käsesorten!

Augen auf beim Käsekauf! Eine Meierei aus dem Norden hat Chargen verschiedener Käsesorten zurückgerufen. Der Grund: Der Käse könnte mit einem Krankheitserreger belastet sein. Die Meierei-Genossenschaft Sarzbüttel (Kreis Dithmarschen) hat Chargen mehrerer Käsesorten zurückgerufen. Es könne eine mikrobiologische Belastung des Käses mit einem Krankheitserreger (Listeria monocytogenes) nicht ausgeschlossen werden, warnte das Unternehmen laut einer am…

Do Kwon’s Fate Hangs in Limbo, Signs Point to US Extradition

Do Kwon’s Fate Hangs in Limbo, Signs Point to US Extradition

Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon has faced a new legal setback after Montenegro’s Supreme Court once again approved the extradition. With this decision, the previous extradition ruling by the High Court has been reversed, thereby resetting the whole process. The final decision now rests in the hands of the Minister of Justice, Andrej Milovic, who…

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Scaling Bitcoin with Lightning Network

Introduction Scalability has been a major issue for the Bitcoin network. Although Bitcoin was designed as a secure, decentralized digital payment system, its lack of scalability has hindered its ability to scale its network to handle a large number of transactions. This is because the Bitcoin blockchain is designed to process a limited number of…

Liberalii spun că „cele mai mari jigniri” vin de la PSD. S-a depășit „linia roșie” a lui Marcel Ciolacu?

Liberalii spun că „cele mai mari jigniri” vin de la PSD. S-a depășit „linia roșie” a lui Marcel Ciolacu?

După ce premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, vineri, că nu trebuie depășită „linia roșie” privind atacurile politice și jignirile între membri Coaliției, ministrul liberal al Culturii, Raluca Turcan a reluat tema, spunând că „este inacceptabil ca unele dintre cele mai mari jigniri să vină de la colegi de guvernare”. Raluca Turcan: „Este o insultă la…

Class Rank Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video and Peacock

Class Rank Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video and Peacock

Image Credits: Cinedigm Entertainment Group Class Rank is a comedic romance film that follows Veronica, an intelligent high school student who wants to enter her dream university but the ranking system at her high school is a hurdle between her dreams. Here’s how you can watch and stream Class Rank via streaming services such as…