Disneyland threatens lifetime ban for disability cheats

Disneyland threatens lifetime ban for disability cheats

Disneyland has put disability cheats on notice that if they lie about having ADHD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, anxiety or any other disorder to get free Lightning Lane line-skipping passes they will be kicked out of Disney theme parks in the United States forever. The Disneyland and Walt Disney World resorts updated the Disability Access Service…

One More Time (2023) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

One More Time (2023) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Netflix One More Time is a Swedish comedy movie on Netflix. Mixed with elements from Groundhog Day and a reverse 13 Going on 30 plot, the movie is filled with 2002-millennial nostalgia. The movie is about a 40-year-old woman, Amelia, who is a loser and on her 40th birthday wishes to be her 18-year-old self…

Gabriela Firea, realeasă la conducerea PSD București. ”La anul, Bucureștiul să arate altfel”

Gabriela Firea, realeasă la conducerea PSD București. ”La anul, Bucureștiul să arate altfel”

În cadrul conferinţei de alegeri a social-democraţilor bucureşteni, Alexandru Hazem Kansou a fost reconfirmat în funcţia de secretar executiv al PSD Bucureşti. Gabriela Firea, realeasă la conducerea PSD București Gabriela Firea a fost realeasă cu unanimitate de voturi în funcţia de preşedinte al Organizaţiei PSD Bucureşti, în cadrul conferinței de alegeri a organizației social-democrate bucureștene….

Tragedie în Olt! Un băiat, de trei ani, a murit după ce o poartă a căzut peste el

Tragedie în Olt! Un băiat, de trei ani, a murit după ce o poartă a căzut peste el

Cum s-a întâmplat tragedia Evenimentul nefericit a fost semnalat în jurul orei 18:20, când serviciile de urgență au fost alertate printr-un apel la 112. În pofida intervenției rapide a polițiștilor de la Secția de Poliție Rurală nr. 4 Coteana și a echipajelor de prim ajutor, inclusiv sosirea unui elicopter SMURD, viața micuțului nu a putut…

Victor Ponta a dat cărțile pe față: Ce s-a întâmplat în spatele ușilor închise în preajma „înscăunării” lui Dacian Cioloș ca premier

Victor Ponta a dat cărțile pe față: Ce s-a întâmplat în spatele ușilor închise în preajma „înscăunării” lui Dacian Cioloș ca premier

Dacian Cioloș a făcut dezvăluiri controversate în platoul Realitatea PLUS. Fostul premier a declarat că a fost sunat cu câteva luni înainte de tragedia de la Colectiv de președintele Iohannis pentru a-i propune o intrare în guvern. Dacian Cioloș a ajuns premier după ce peste 64 de persoane au murit în clubul de noapte, iar…

Anunţul Teodorei Meluţă după România – Kazahstan 1-0: „Sperăm să îi urmăm pe băieţi şi să ne calificăm la EURO”

Anunţul Teodorei Meluţă după România – Kazahstan 1-0: „Sperăm să îi urmăm pe băieţi şi să ne calificăm la EURO”

Anunţul Teodorei Meluţă după România – Kazahstan 1-0. Aceasta a fost a doua victorie a naţionalei de fete a României în preliminariile pentru EURO 2025. Cu Massimo Pedrazzini selecţioner, naţionala României a obţinut a doua victorie consecutivă în preliminariile pentru EURO 2025, acolo unde Teo Meluţă vrea să ajungă. Anunţul Teodorei Meluţă după România –…

Rmag Breaking News

Poe introduces a price-per-message revenue model for AI bot creators

Bot creators now have a new way to make money with Poe, the Quora-owned AI chatbot platform. On Monday, the company introduced a revenue model that allows creators to set a per-message price for their bots so they can make money whenever a user messages them. The addition follows an October 2023 release of a…

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (2007) Season 20 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via HBO Max

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (2007) Season 20 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via HBO Max

Image Credits: Food Network Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (2007) Season 20 is the twentieth installment in this American food reality series that originally premiered in 2014. Renowned restaurateur and author Guy Fieri resumes his journey of covering vintage America’s classic diners. In this edition, he travels to a hoard of locations, including California, Wyoming, and…

Dominic Fritz lansare candidatură pentru un nou mandat de primar la Timișoara

Dominic Fritz lansare candidatură pentru un nou mandat de primar la Timișoara

Primarul în exerciţiu al municipiului Timişoara, Dominic Fritz, şi-a lansat candidatura pentru un nou mandat, marţi seara, la Centrul Regional de Afaceri din Timişoara, potrivit agerpres.ro. Preşedintele USR Timiş este susţinut în această cursă de Alianţa Dreapta Unită, din care mai fac parte PMP şi Forţa Dreptei. “Suntem astăzi, aici, pentru că trebuie să apărăm…

‘Rust’ star Alec Baldwin had ‘no control’ over emotions, ‘no concern’ how conduct affected set: prosecutors

‘Rust’ star Alec Baldwin had ‘no control’ over emotions, ‘no concern’ how conduct affected set: prosecutors

Alec Baldwin had “no control” over his emotions on the set of “Rust,” according to prosecutors. Baldwin, 66, was “frequently screaming and cursing” while on the Bonanza Creek set and was “inattentive” during firearms training, court documents obtained by Fox News Digital stated. “To watch Mr Baldwin’s conduct on the set of ‘Rust’ is to…

Watch: ‘Alberto and The Beast’ – An Engrossing Sasquatch Short Film

Watch: ‘Alberto and The Beast’ – An Engrossing Sasquatch Short Film

The story of a man and a beast. This entrancing short film is titled Alberto and The Beast and it played at last year’s Toronto Film Festival. After screening at festivals it’s now online to enjoy – all 17 minutes of it. While working for a children’s show, a wildlife researcher encounters Bigfoot in the…

Vampire Weekend is playing Coachella’s first weekend

Vampire Weekend is playing Coachella’s first weekend

VAMPIRE WEEKEND PRIMARY PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL SCHMELLING (Michael Schmelling) Vampire Weekend is playing Coachella’s first weekend Coachella,Breaking News Mikael Wood April 9, 2024 Vampire Weekend will appear as a last-minute addition to the lineup for this weekend’s Coachella festival. Coachella said on social media Tuesday that the popular indie-rock band would play the festival’s…

Police protest contract negotiations at Lake Council meeting

Police protest contract negotiations at Lake Council meeting

Sheriff’s officers and their supporters packed the Lake County Council chambers Tuesday to overflow capacity carrying signs reading “Pay the County Police” and “Union Strong” in an effort to move the needle in their favor on contract negotiations. The Lake County Council’s negotiating team and the team representing the officers have been in talks for…

ABEND dump #9

ABEND dump #9

Welcome to the ABEND dump, the issue where I share the most interesting content I’ve been reading, listening to, and watching lately. I’m back from vacation and trying to get back on track with my reading and writing habits. Here’s a sneak peak: The Sphere in Las Vegas — the ultimate emoji, isn’t it cute?…

Rmag Breaking News

Debate elecciones País Vasco, en directo: siga las intervenciones de los candidatos de PSE, PP, EH Bildu, PNV, Podemos, Sumar y Vox

RTVE emite este martes, a las 22.00 horas, el primer debate en televisión de la campaña de las elecciones vascas con las siete formaciones políticas con representación parlamentaria. En él participan el cabeza de lista del EAJ-PNV por Álava, Joseba Díez Antxutegi; el cabeza de lista por Gipuzkoa de EH Bildu, Nerea Kortajarena Ibañez; el…

Rmag Breaking News

Casa Albă. Declaraţiile Hamas, nu prea încurajatoare

Casa Albă a apreciat marţi declaraţiile Hamas cu privire la un armistiţiu propus, asociat cu eliberarea ostaticilor din Fâşia Gaza, ca fiind „nu prea încurajatoare”, chiar dacă mediatorii încă aşteaptă un „răspuns” oficial din partea mişcării islamiste palestiniene, transmite AFP. „Am văzut Israelul făcând câţiva paşi înainte în privinţa a ceea ce pune pe masă….

‘It looks like a crescent moon:’ Skokie reacts to solar eclipse

‘It looks like a crescent moon:’ Skokie reacts to solar eclipse

When a 3-year-old named Lincoln put on his solar protection glasses to view the eclipse Monday afternoon, he asked his mom, “Who turned off the lights?” and when he saw the partial solar eclipse from the Skokie Public Library lawn, he said, “It looks like a crescent moon.” The mom and son were just two…

NPR editor found registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans 87 to zero in newsroom

NPR editor found registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans 87 to zero in newsroom

An NPR editor blowing the whistle on the left-leaning outlet’s biased coverage says voter registration records showed an astonishing disparity between Democrats and Republicans in the newsroom: 87 to zero. NPR senior business editor Uri Berliner penned a thorough rebuke of his own outlet for The Free Press published Tuesday, criticizing it for telling listeners…

Milei usó una cuenta falsa para argumentar la caída de la inflación

Milei usó una cuenta falsa para argumentar la caída de la inflación

“Se va a derrumbar la tasa de inflación, esto lo adelanté”, dijo anoche el presidente argentino, Javier Milei, durante una entrevista online en la que usó como ejemplo de la caída de precios los datos de Jumbot, un supuesto bot que informaba de las variaciones diarias de la canasta básica en uno de los supermercados…

The Hot Chick Streaming: Watch & Stream via Amazon Prime Video

The Hot Chick Streaming: Watch & Stream via Amazon Prime Video

Touchstone Pictures Are you looking for some 2000s nostalgia? We have got you covered with The Hot Chick. It is a comedy fantasy film released in 2002. The movie screams early 2000s aesthetic along with tropes much ahead of its time. Directed and Written by Tom Brady, the movie revolves around a popular and stylish…

Slim Jesus talks about rejecting Bad Boy record deal from Diddy

Slim Jesus talks about rejecting Bad Boy record deal from Diddy

Viral drill rapper Slim Jesus has reflected on the public reaction to him rejecting an offer from Diddy to sign him to Bad Boy Records. In 2015, the Ohio rapper blew up on YouTube for his boisterous breakthrough track ‘Drill Time’. At the time, he was viewed as the genre’s next big star and was co-signed…

Small Tips for Styling Card Components

Small Tips for Styling Card Components

The other day, I stumbled upon an “About Us”-page for an agency, I used to work for. Not only were the team member images in irregular and different sizes — the grid had unnecessary many levels of <div>-soup: We can do better! A “team-member card” can be as simple as: <div class=“card”> <img src=“srj.jpg” alt=“Samantha…

New bill would force AI companies to reveal use of copyrighted art

New bill would force AI companies to reveal use of copyrighted art

Adam Schiff introduces bill amid growing legal battle over whether major AI companies have made illegal use of copyrighted works A bill introduced in the US Congress on Tuesday intends to force artificial intelligence companies to reveal the copyrighted material they use to make their generative AI models. The legislation adds to a growing number…

Don’t Move: Netflix Acquires Sam Raimi-Produced Thriller, Leads Revealed

Don’t Move: Netflix Acquires Sam Raimi-Produced Thriller, Leads Revealed

Image via FX Netflix has acquired worldwide rights to the Sam Raimi-produced horror thriller Don’t Move, Variety reports. According to the outlet, the project will be led by Kelsey Asbille (Yellowstone) and Finn Wittrock (The Big Short).  50 Stages of Fright co-directors Brian Netto and Adam Schindler directed the movie based on a script written…

Rmag Breaking News

Faraday Future faked early sales, lawsuits claim

Two internal whistleblowers at Faraday Future claim the troubled EV company has been lying about some of the few sales it has announced to date. They also claim founder Jia Yueting has “weaponized” the EV startup’s HR department to retaliate anyone who speaks up about these alleged misrepresentations. The employees, Jose Guerrero and Victoria Xie,…