March is 10th straight month to be hottest on record, scientists say

March is 10th straight month to be hottest on record, scientists say

By SUMAN NAISHADHAM | Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — For the 10th consecutive month, Earth in March set a new monthly record for global heat — with both air temperatures and the world’s oceans hitting an all-time high for the month, the European Union climate agency Copernicus said. Related Articles Environment | With whales present,…

El Festival Oficial de Cine Latino de Palm Springs cambia de rostro

El Festival Oficial de Cine Latino de Palm Springs cambia de rostro

El CEO Lex Borrero junto a Tommy Mottola y Tainy encabezan esta propuesta que buscar destacar el talento latino. (NTERTAIN) El Festival Oficial de Cine Latino de Palm Springs cambia de rostro CINE,Msica Redaccin Los Angeles Times en Espaol April 9, 2024 El festival de cine que ha exhibido miles de pelculas y ha contado…

Top Spin 2K25 Career and Online Modes Detailed Ahead of Launch

Top Spin 2K25 Career and Online Modes Detailed Ahead of Launch

Today, Hangar 13 shared a lot of new details on the main modes fans will find in Top Spin 2K25. Everything starts in the Top Spin Academy, where they’ll be able to master core gameplay mechanics guided by the voice of John McEnroe. The tennis icon will lead players through Basic Lessons on fundamentals such…

Rmag Breaking News

Scontro tra Pd e M5S, e la destra gongola

Il M5S è la nemesi del Pd. Da almeno 11 anni, che in politica sono un’eternità, il partitone del centrosinistra cerca una strada per risolvere il rapporto con il Movimento nato dal vaffa senza trovarla. Le ha letteralmente provate tutte. Fino alle elezioni del 2013 le dimensioni del guaio erano sfuggite. Il Movimento si profilava…

Get up on time with the best alarm clocks for heavy sleepers

Get up on time with the best alarm clocks for heavy sleepers

Getting a good night’s rest is critical for healthy living, but sometimes it’s challenging to get out of bed. There are several methods for waking up gently, but if you are a heavy sleeper, chances are good that you’ll ignore your alarm and simply turn around under the covers. The best solution is to get…

Which diaper liners are best for babies with sensitive skin?

Which diaper liners are best for babies with sensitive skin?

Diapers are necessary for babies, but while they keep messes at bay, they come with their own challenges. Diaper rash is common in babies because the material tends to rub and chafe along soft skin. The result can be irritating and painful for any baby, especially for sensitive skin. Diaper liners are great for keeping your…

Satul în care oamenii construiesc voluntar case pentru vecinii loviți de catastrofe. Comunitatea s-a mobilizat de două ori într-un an 

Satul în care oamenii construiesc voluntar case pentru vecinii loviți de catastrofe. Comunitatea s-a mobilizat de două ori într-un an 

O familie din Darova, județul Timiș, va avea o locuință nouă datorită oamenilor din comună care s-au coalizat în fața dezastrului. Soții Ursea și copiii lor, cei ajutați de comunitatea locală, au rămas fără acoperiș deasupra capului din cauza unui incendiu care le-a distrus casa. Un gest de solidaritate similar a fost înfăptuit în aceeași…

Paulo Londra Signs With WME for Global Representation

Paulo Londra Signs With WME for Global Representation

Argentinian music sensation Paulo Londra has inked a deal with WME for worldwide representation, the company tells Billboard. Since exploding onto the scene in 2019, the 25-year-old singer/rapper has been a dominant force in the Latin American music scene and is widely considered one of the pioneers of Argentina’s burgeoning trap movement. Related Argentine Star…

‘Billboard Hot 100 Challenge’ Mobile Game Lets Fans ‘Predict the Hits’

‘Billboard Hot 100 Challenge’ Mobile Game Lets Fans ‘Predict the Hits’

On Tuesday (April 9), Billboard announced the launch of the Billboard Hot 100 Challenge: Predict the Hits app. The first-of-its-kind mobile game lets fans “predict the hits” by applying fantasy-sports-style gameplay to the music business. To play, participants will listen to a new song each day — Monday through Friday — and guess the ultimate…

Peloton is a media company now, with media company problems

Peloton is a media company now, with media company problems

Jessica Fernandez uses Peloton about two hours a day — maybe even four if she’s training for a marathon. In her house, you’ll find not one but two Peloton machines. There’s the bike that the company is known for, and in her garage, there’s the company’s smaller treadmill. A rack of running medals hangs on…

The Aboard app is a totally different take on what an AI bot can do

The Aboard app is a totally different take on what an AI bot can do

Aboard is for tracking stuff — and for building the tools for tracking stuff with AI. | Image: Aboard Aboard is not an easy app to explain. It used to be easier: at first, it was a way to collect and organize information — Trello meets Pinterest meets that spreadsheet full of links you use…

Catholics’ fury as Italian TV ad depicts nuns eating crisps for communion

Catholics’ fury as Italian TV ad depicts nuns eating crisps for communion

Viewers’ association accuses Amica Chips of resorting to blasphemy in order to increase sales An Italian TV advert that depicts nuns eating crisps instead of altar bread while receiving holy communion has been accused of blasphemy by an outraged association of Catholic TV viewers. The 30-second advert for Amica Chips – one of Italy’s top…

Uncle Samsik K-Drama Reveals Group Poster With Song Kang-Ho, Tiffany Young & More

Uncle Samsik K-Drama Reveals Group Poster With Song Kang-Ho, Tiffany Young & More

Photo Credit: Disney Plus Korea The upcoming Disney Plus K-drama Uncle Samsik released a new group poster, teasing all its cast members. The series, which premieres on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, follows the story of an ambitious idealist, Kim San (Byun Yo-Han), who wants to ensure everyone in the country eats well. He eventually collaborates with Park…

Alertă în București! A fugit un bărbat condamnat la 18 ani de închisoare pentru omor

Alertă în București! A fugit un bărbat condamnat la 18 ani de închisoare pentru omor

Un bărbat condamnat la 18 ani pentru omor a reușit să fugă marți din mijlocul de transport pentru deținuți, care staționa pe o stradă din Sectorul 2 al Capitalei. Această evadare a fost confirmată de către Administrația Națională a Penitenciarelor, declanșând o amplă operațiune de căutare și capturare. Deținutul se afla în custodia Penitenciarului –…

Wireshark & tcpdump: A Debugging Power Couple

Wireshark & tcpdump: A Debugging Power Couple

Introduction to Wireshark Browser Network Monitors Installation and Getting Started Navigating Through Noise with Filters Deep Dive into Data Analysis Beyond Basic Usage The Basics of HTTPS Encryption Methods for Decrypting HTTPS in Wireshark Pre-Master Secret Key Logging Using a Proxy Integrating tcpdump with Wireshark for Enhanced Network Analysis The Role of tcpdump in Network…

Subiecte importante abordate la întâlnirea dintre Xi Jinping și Serghei Lavrov. „Reforma sistemului de guvernanţă globală”, la masa discuțiilor

Subiecte importante abordate la întâlnirea dintre Xi Jinping și Serghei Lavrov. „Reforma sistemului de guvernanţă globală”, la masa discuțiilor

Menţionând că anul acesta se împlinesc 75 de ani de la stabilirea relaţiilor diplomatice între China şi Rusia, Xi a spus că cele două ţări au pornit pe o nouă cale a coexistenţei armonioase şi a cooperării reciproc avantajoase, ceea ce a adus beneficii ambelor ţări şi popoarelor lor.”Preşedintele Putin şi cu mine am convenit…

Fine-tuning LLM on a laptop: VRAM – Shared Memory – GPU Load – Performance

Fine-tuning LLM on a laptop: VRAM – Shared Memory – GPU Load – Performance

I have been playing with Supervised Fine Tuning and LORA using my laptop with NVIDIA RTX 4060 8GB. The subject of SFT is vast, picking the correct training hyperparams is more magic than science, and there’s a good deal of experimentation… Yet let me share one small finding. GPU utilization and Shared Memory effect on…

Japánsztrájkba kezdtek a Csíki Székely Múzeum dolgozói

Japánsztrájkba kezdtek a Csíki Székely Múzeum dolgozói

Karda-Markaly Aranka, a Csíki Székely Múzeum igazgatója megkeresésünkre elmondta, keddtől csatlakoztak az Alfa Kartell Országos Szakszervezeti Szövetséghez tartozó Kulturális és Média-szakszervezetek Országos Szövetségének japánsztrájkjához. A szakszervezeti tiltakozást az váltotta ki, hogy a kulturális minisztérium márciusban megígérte, a múzeumi dolgozók fizetését áprilistól 10 százalékkal emelik, és ősztől újabb 10 százalékkal. Emellett a munkakörülményeiket is javítanák. Viszont…

Raise 500-pound pumpkins in your backyard: 5 tips from America’s world-record gourd grower

Raise 500-pound pumpkins in your backyard: 5 tips from America’s world-record gourd grower

Travis Gienger is the Michael Jordan of giant pumpkins: the greatest of all time.  The stone craftsman, horticulture teacher and gourd whisperer from Anoka, Minnesota set the world record last year by growing a 2,749-pound pumpkin.  The orange colossus was boldly named Michael Jordan in the spring, in honor of the basketball player widely considered…

Ram Charan Reviews Siddhu Jonnalagadda’s Performance in Tillu Square

Ram Charan Reviews Siddhu Jonnalagadda’s Performance in Tillu Square

Ram Charan, Tillu Square poster (Photo Credit: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic via Getty Images, Sithara Entertainments, Fortune Four Cinemas) Siddhu Jonnalagadda’s latest outing, Tillu Square, thoroughly entertains the audience. The movie features new adventures of Jonnalagadda’s Tillu as he falls into more trouble. So far, the movie has had an impressive box office collection and earned millions….

Xi Jinping, turneu diplomatic în trei țări din Europa. La începutul lunii mai el va ajunge la Budapesta, potrivit Radio Europa Liberă

Xi Jinping, turneu diplomatic în trei țări din Europa. La începutul lunii mai el va ajunge la Budapesta, potrivit Radio Europa Liberă

Președintele chinez Xi Jinping va vizita mai multe țări europene la începutul lunii mai. După Franța și Serbia, acesta va veni și în Ungaria, la Budapesta, scrie marți, 9 aprilie, Radio Europa Liberă (RFE), citând două surse independente. Xi Jinping va sosi în Franța pentru două zile, pe data de 5 mai, și apoi va…

Maryland governor to discuss rebuilding collapsed Baltimore bridge with Congress

Maryland governor to discuss rebuilding collapsed Baltimore bridge with Congress

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said Monday he plans to meet with members of Congress to discuss support for rebuilding the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge, which has blocked the main shipping channel at Baltimore’s port for nearly two weeks. “I’m going to be spending part of this week with our delegation going down and meeting…

Rmag Breaking News

Pan-African VC Verod-Kepple closes its first fund at $60M

Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures (VKAV) plans to back up to 21 growth-stage companies across the continent after closing its first fund at $60 million. The pan-African VC hit the milestone following fresh backing from Nigeria’s SCM Capital formerly Sterling Capital Markets Limited, and the only non-Japanese investor. Other recent investors (limited partners) include Taiyo Holdings and…

Some 27,000 Call of Duty accounts were banned at weekend for cheating

Some 27,000 Call of Duty accounts were banned at weekend for cheating

Call of Duty cheaters have been out in full force since Season 3 dropped as desperation to pretend you are better at games than you really are and climb imaginary leaderboards ahead of people who aren’t cheating for some reason continues to appeal. This weekend 27,000 Call of Duty players failed to heed the advice…

Șeful diplomației UE, declarație alarmantă: ”Europa trebuie să se pregătească de război”

Șeful diplomației UE, declarație alarmantă: ”Europa trebuie să se pregătească de război”

În contextul unui conflict Ucraina – Rusia departe de final, de la vârful UE vine un avertisment sever: ”Europa trebuie să se pregătească de război”, afirmă Josep Borrell, șeful diplomației blocului comunitar. Avertisment sever de la șeful diplomației UE: ”Europa trebuie să se pregătească de război” De la începutul acestui an până în prezent, mai…