Spitalul din Târgu Cărbunești este în pragul falimentului din cauza salariilor. Declarația managerului

Spitalul din Târgu Cărbunești este în pragul falimentului din cauza salariilor. Declarația managerului

Spitalul Orășenesc Târgu Cărbunești se află într-o situația foart dificilă din punct de vedere financiar, având în vedere că 99% din buget este destinat salariilor, după cum spun managerul Sorin Mehedințu. 99% din buget se duc la salarii „Suntem într-o situaţie financiară foarte delicată, am folosit un termen nepotrivit, «faliment», pentru că totuşi suntem un…

The Garfield Movie Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Plot

The Garfield Movie Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Plot

Image Credits: Columbia Pictures Curious about The Garfield Movie‘s release date, trailer, cast, and plot? We have all the information you need. The Garfield Movie is an upcoming animated comedy film based on Jim Davis’ Garfield comic strip. The film was directed by Mark Dindal from a script co-written by Paul A. Kaplan, David Reynolds,…

Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Soars 8% This Week, Are the Bulls Back in Town?

Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Soars 8% This Week, Are the Bulls Back in Town?

Ripple’s price is yet to show a significant move in either direction. Both the USDT and BTC pairs have been in a consolidation phase. Yet, things might be about to change soon. However, it’s important to note that XRP increased by around 8% in the past seven days, and it’s worth exploring whether the bulls…

Rmag Breaking News

Tennis, Berrettini out a Montecarlo

Il Quotidiano del Sud Tennis, Berrettini out a Montecarlo Roma, 9 apr. (askanews) – Matteo Berrettini, dopo il titolo conquistato la scorsa settimana a Marrakech, è stato eliminato al primo turno del Rolex Masters1000 di Monte-Carlo dal serbo Miomir Kecmanovic col punteggio di 63 61 in poco più di un’ora di gioco. Giornata piovosa, terra…

Alcaraz, baja en Montecarlo por una lesión en el brazo

Alcaraz, baja en Montecarlo por una lesión en el brazo

Carlos Alcaraz no competirá en el Masters 1000 de Montecarlo, que se disputa esta semana, debido a una lesión en “en el pronador redondo del brazo derecho”. Así lo especifica el tenista español en el mensaje difundido este martes por medio de sus redes sociales. En teoría, el murciano iba a debutar el miércoles contra…

Rmag Breaking News

Criminal în libertate: A evadat de sub nasul polițiştilor

Un bărbat condamnat la 18 ani pentru omor a fugit, marţi, din mijlocul de transport pentru deţinuţi, staţionat pe o stradă din Sectorul 2 al Capitalei, a anunţat Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor. „Marţi, în jurul orei 15,00, s-a constatat că deţinutul Meszaros Zsombor, în vârstă de 34 de ani, condamnat definitiv la 18 ani de…

When a Stranger Calls (2006) Revisited – Horror Movie Review

When a Stranger Calls (2006) Revisited – Horror Movie Review

The first twenty minutes of the 1979 horror film When a Stranger Calls (watch it HERE) really creeped out movie-goers. It stuck in their heads, earning the movie cult classic status. The rest of the running time, viewers don’t often remember so clearly. So when Screen Gems gave the greenlight to a remake, they decided…

Rmag Breaking News

The Fallout TV series is coming to Prime Video one day earlier than expected

Fallout, a TV adaptation of Bethesda’s eponymous series of post-apocalyptic RPG games, will hit Prime Video earlier than expected. All eight episodes will hit the streaming service at 9PM ET on April 10. This is actually the second time Amazon has brought forward the release date. The series was originally supposed to debut on April…

Mojo CSS vs. Tailwind: Choosing the best CSS framework

Mojo CSS vs. Tailwind: Choosing the best CSS framework

Written by Boemo Mmopelwa✏️ CSS frameworks have made it easier for everyone to consistently design and build stylish UIs. Frameworks improve CSS by giving users well-configured components such as custom color schemes, typography, sizing, shadows, and much more. One of the most popular CSS frameworks is Tailwind CSS. The Tailwind framework has been incredibly helpful…

Un Lignum crucis aparece por casualidad durante una compra por Internet

Un Lignum crucis aparece por casualidad durante una compra por Internet

La cristiandad cuenta con un número indeterminado de ‘Lignum crucis’, supuestos fragmentos de la cruz de Cristo, repartidos por iglesias de todo el mundo, y la parroquia de San Sebastián de Almería contará con una de estas reliquias gracias a una fortuita compra por Internet. Según traslada en una nota la Junta de Andalucía, ha…

La complicada travesía de Jonas Vingegaard hacia el Tour de Francia

La complicada travesía de Jonas Vingegaard hacia el Tour de Francia

A Jonas Vingegaard, ingresado desde el jueves pasado en el hospital de Txagorritxu, en Vitoria, le operaron el lunes, una placa, unos tornillos, de la clavícula que se fracturó en la gran caída de la Itzulia en la curva de Olaeta, y los que entienden del asunto dicen, qué buena noticia. Si le han operado…

Simon Harris pledges ‘new energy’ after becoming Ireland’s youngest taoiseach

Simon Harris pledges ‘new energy’ after becoming Ireland’s youngest taoiseach

Leader receives seal of office, marking low-key end of Varadkar era and start of unofficial countdown to election Simon Harris has pledged to invigorate Ireland’s ruling coalition after being elected the country’s youngest taoiseach. The Dáil voted 88 to 69 on Tuesday to anoint Harris, 37, as successor to Leo Varadkar, who unexpectedly announced his…

Rmag Breaking News

Enhancing API Security: Best Practices for Developers

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become a cornerstone of modern software development, enabling seamless communication and integration between different systems and services. However, with this increased connectivity comes the need for robust security measures to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. In this blog post, we’ll explore various strategies and best practices for enhancing…

Rmag Breaking News

Custom C++ Stream Manipulators

Introduction To print a user-defined type in C, you typically implement a function to do it, for example: struct point { int x, y; }; void print_point( struct point const *p, FILE *f ) { fprintf( f, “(%d,%d)”, p->x, p->y ); } void f( struct point const *p ) { printf( “Origin: “ ); print_point(…

Rmag Breaking News

Why is PHP still relevant in 2024?

What is PHP? PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is a free, open-source scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. It’s primarily used for server-side scripting, but can also be used for command-line scripting and desktop applications. A webpage might be made up entirely of a PHP script, or it might contain one or more PHP…

La Guardia Civil interviene una autoescuela que habilitaba con documentos falsos a conductores de camiones y autobuses

La Guardia Civil interviene una autoescuela que habilitaba con documentos falsos a conductores de camiones y autobuses

La Guardia Civil investiga al titular de un centro de formación de conductores de la localidad pacense de Almendralejo, como presunto autor de delitos continuados de falsedad documental y usurpación de estado Civil en cursos convocados para la obtención de Certificados de Aptitud Profesional (CAP) para vehículos pesados y autobuses. La operación se inició a…

Oliu confirma de nuevo que Banco Sabadell seguirá en Alicante: “No ha habido cambios”

Oliu confirma de nuevo que Banco Sabadell seguirá en Alicante: “No ha habido cambios”

No habrá regreso de la sede central de Banco Sabadell a Cataluña “porque estamos donde estamos y no tenemos idea de cambiarlo”; la filial bancaria de TSB continúa sin estar en venta “porque es una empresa rentable que nos está dando muchas satisfacciones”; y el banco está en un “momento de posicionamiento de valor” y…

Dorian Schwartz: Cum ne îmbolnăvește publicitatea alimentară

Dorian Schwartz: Cum ne îmbolnăvește publicitatea alimentară

Cum ne îmbolnăvește publicitatea alimentară?   „Alegerile alimentare trebuie să fie întotdeauna raționale/logice, pe baza cunoașterii etichetelor și trecând peste impulsul de a fi simpli consumatori! Suntem și trebuie să fim mai mult decât niste ținte a unor campanii publicitare. Să ne hrănim sănătos și să știm ce înseamnă „sănătos”! Recomandarea este să ne hrănim…

The Sun loses £66m amid costs from phone-hacking scandal

The Sun loses £66m amid costs from phone-hacking scandal

British arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp empire reports near-£54m deficit due to TalkTV costs The Sun lost £66m last year and its online audience dropped by 4 million readers as the newspaper continued to grapple with the fallout from the phone-hacking scandal. Total losses at the Murdoch-owned tabloid have now reached £515m over the…

Ecuador detiene a 18.000 personas en su pulso contra la delincuencia

Ecuador detiene a 18.000 personas en su pulso contra la delincuencia

Los operativos realizados entre 9 de enero y el 7 de abril por las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional de Ecuador han dejado al menos una veintena de supuestos terroristas abatidos y más de 18.400 detenciones. En estas operaciones han fallecido en acto de servicio cinco policías y un militar. Asimismo, se han registrado…

One person found dead after fire in northeast Albuquerque

One person found dead after fire in northeast Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Albuquerque Fire Rescue responded to a fire Monday, April 8 in northeast Albuquerque that left one person dead. County commissioner jumps into a neighborhood battle over an Albuquerque playground Around 11:30 p.m. AFR was sent to Sellers Dr. NE, near Wyoming and I-40 for reports of a structure fire. When crews arrived…

La directora general de la UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, inaugura el Centro Internacional de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de CaixaForum Macaya

La directora general de la UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, inaugura el Centro Internacional de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de CaixaForum Macaya

La directora general de la UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, ha inaugurado este martes el Centro Internacional para las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales auspiciado por UNESCO en el CaixaForum Macaya de la Fundación ”la Caixa. En la inauguración también han participado Juan José López Burniol, vicepresidente de la Fundación ”la Caixa”; Ángel Simón, consejero delegado de CriteriaCaixa;…