The Fall Guy Review

The Fall Guy Review

PLOT: After being gravely injured, a stuntman named Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) tries to win back his ex, a movie director named Jody Moreno (Emily Blunt), by finding the star of her mega-budget action movie, who’s gone missing after falling in with a dangerous crowd. REVIEW: The Fall Guy is director David Leitch’s love letter…

Labour creates tax panel to help it clamp down on avoiders

Labour creates tax panel to help it clamp down on avoiders

Group will advise on how to modernise HMRC after Reeves reveals plan for £5bn crackdown Labour has appointed an expert panel to advise the party on ways to tackle tax avoidance following its plan to reap £5bn from a crackdown on tax dodgers. The party’s shadow financial secretary, James Murray, said the independent group would…

Piedone, prins cu minciuna, după ce a încercat să fure imaginea SANITAS

Piedone, prins cu minciuna, după ce a încercat să fure imaginea SANITAS

Anunțul triumfal al lui Cristian Popescu Piedone că Uniunea Sindicală SANITAS Bucureşti îi „susţine candidatura la funcţia de Primar General al Capitalei”, a fost contrazis rapid de liderul de sindicat, Viorel Hușanu. Acesta a precizat că s-a întâlnit cu Piedone, dar nu i-a promis nimic, cu atât mai puțin voturile celor 14.000 de membri ai…

Superman: James Gunn Confirms DCU Movie’s Villain, Gives Progress Update

Superman: James Gunn Confirms DCU Movie’s Villain, Gives Progress Update

Credit: DC DC Studios co-CEO and Superman director James Gunn has confirmed who the villain of the upcoming DC Universe movie is and has provided a bit of a progress update. On the social media platform Threads, Gunn dispelled any rumors about the main villain of Superman being anyone other than Lex Luthor. The filmmaker…

Rmag Breaking News

Perché Ilaria Salis e Beniamino Zuncheddu dovrebbero essere candidati dal Pd alle Europee

Negli ultimi mesi sono successi due fatti che – più degli altri – hanno messo in evidenza ancora una volta come in alcuni paesi europei il sistema giudiziario sia lontano dall’essere conforme allo Stato di diritto. Questi incresciosi episodi sono avvenuti a pochi mesi dalle elezioni europee. Unione europea che, è bene ricordarlo, si fonda…

Acer launches two all-new 14-inch gaming laptops alongside updated 16-inch models

Acer launches two all-new 14-inch gaming laptops alongside updated 16-inch models

Acer’s midrange gaming laptop line has four new arrivals today following the company’s refresh of its flagship models at CES 2024. On Tuesday, the company unveiled a pair of new 14-inch entries alongside two refreshes of existing 16-inch models. The Intel-powered Predator Helios Neo 14 and Nitro 16 will join the AMD-fueled Nitro 14 and…

Meta’s Nick Clegg plays down AI’s threat to global democracy

Meta’s Nick Clegg plays down AI’s threat to global democracy

Major elections around the world so far this year have not suffered from systematic malicious interference, says global affairs chief Generative AI is overblown as an election risk, according to Meta’s Nick Clegg, who claims the technology is more useful for defending democracy than attacking it. Speaking at the Meta AI Day event in London…

Is Bitcoin Headed For A Crash? Analysts Cite Possible Downtrend

Is Bitcoin Headed For A Crash? Analysts Cite Possible Downtrend

Investors in the cryptocurrency space are eagerly awaiting the halving of Bitcoin in order to fuel future market growth. However, top cryptocurrency expert and trader Benjamin Cowen cautions that if the price of BTC follows a previous pattern, there may be a correction. Bitcoin Halving Could Impact Price Negatively Cowen has highlighted a trend that…

‘Her demons were probably worse’: does Back to Black reveal the real Amy Winehouse?

‘Her demons were probably worse’: does Back to Black reveal the real Amy Winehouse?

Tortured genius, chaotic addict or frustrated homemaker? As Sam Taylor-Johnson’s biopic hits cinemas, we look at how its depiction compares with previous accounts of the singer’s life From the moment it was announced, in July 2022, the Amy Winehouse biopic Back to Black has been plagued by controversy, with fans criticising everything from the casting…

Fear of the unknown: are you more sensitive to uncertainty than others?

Fear of the unknown: are you more sensitive to uncertainty than others?

Our intolerance for uncertainty exists on a spectrum, but some people have higher – and more debilitating – levels of the trait Much of the anxiety in my life has emerged from the question what if. What if my headache has a more sinister origin? What if I go to a holiday party, and don’t…

Go away with … Babs Olusanmokun

Go away with … Babs Olusanmokun

Babs Olusanmokun is having an incredible year. After returning to the “Dune” franchise as Jamis in “Dune: Part Two,” the actor will next be seen in Guy Ritchie’s “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare”, which opens in theaters on April 19. The Nigerian American actor is also a cast member of the “Star Trek: Strange New…

Joshua Cherniss : “Comment combattre les antilibéraux sans devenir aussi impitoyables qu’eux”

Joshua Cherniss : “Comment combattre les antilibéraux sans devenir aussi impitoyables qu’eux”

C’est bien connu, depuis 1793 et la Terreur, le culte révolutionnaire français entretient une fascination certaine pour la violence en politique, à l’image de la complaisance bien connue du philosophe Jean-Paul Sartre envers la brutalité du totalitarisme soviétique, qu’il jugeait comme un mal nécessaire. Ou pour ainsi dire : “On ne fait pas d’omelette sans…

Cuando un campo de fútbol se convierte en uno de refugiados

Cuando un campo de fútbol se convierte en uno de refugiados

Las bufandas dejaron paso a las mantas en el Lviv Arena, el estadio de fútbol de la ciudad de Leópolis, al oeste de Ucrania, cuando se convirtió en el refugio de 2.500 desplazados ucranios que huyeron de la guerra en marzo de 2022, al poco de que Rusia invadiera parte de su país. Una situación…

Steamboy Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Steamboy Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Toho Co., Ltd. Steamboy is an anime that showcases stunning visuals, focusing on a young inventor named Ray Steam. The story is set in Victorian England during industrialization and centres around a conflict over a revolutionary steam-powered technology. The movie explores ethical issues related to innovation and blends action with moral quandaries. Here’s how you…

Ivóvíz nélkül marad Szászrégen több utcája

Ivóvíz nélkül marad Szászrégen több utcája

Az ivóvízhálózaton tervezett munkálatok, nevezetesen az Apalinei utcai ivóvízvezetékek összekötése miatt szerdán, április 10-én 8 órától 16 óráig szünetel az ivóvízellátás Szászrégen következő utcáiban: Apalinei, Izvorului, Liliacului, Bujorului, Mihai Viteazu 43–139. számok között, továbbá a Nicolae Bălcescu, Teilor, Iernii, Piața Mare, Făget, Dumbravei, Secerișului, Cărpiniș, Garofiței, Crizantemelor, Primăverii, Foișor, Abatorului, Grădinarilor, Verzei, Crinului és Morii…

K-Dramas Like The Midnight Studio: Hotel Del Luna, Ghost Doctor & More

K-Dramas Like The Midnight Studio: Hotel Del Luna, Ghost Doctor & More

The Midnight Studio poster (Photo Credit: ENA) The Midnight Studio is a horror comedy K-drama on ENA. Starring Joo Won and Kwon Na-Ra, the series revolves around a ghost photographer and his supernatural connection with a lawyer. Joo Won plays photographer Seo Ki-Joo, who runs a mysterious photo studio that captures the final memory of…

Wie bitte? Warum Matthäus den Bayern den Champions-League-Titel zutraut

Wie bitte? Warum Matthäus den Bayern den Champions-League-Titel zutraut

Das kommt dann doch überraschend: Trotz der Krise traut Rekordnationalspieler Lothar Matthäus dem schwer angeschlagenen FC Bayern sogar den Titel in der Königsklasse zu. „Wenn man sich die einzelnen Spieler anschaut, ist Bayern eine der stärksten Mannschaften in Europa – auch wenn sich das im Moment blöd anhört. Wenn alle ihr Können umsetzen, sind sie…

Morega rămâne cu brățara de supraveghere. Fostul baron, consemnat la domiciliu, după ce a condus de 6 ori fără permis

Morega rămâne cu brățara de supraveghere. Fostul baron, consemnat la domiciliu, după ce a condus de 6 ori fără permis

Judecătoria Sectorului 1 Bucureşti a respins, marţi, o sesizare a Parchetului de pe lângă Judecătoria Sectorului 1. “Respinge ca fiind rămasă fără obiect sesizarea formulată de Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Sectorului 1 Bucureşti de modificare a obligaţiilor impuse inculpatului Morega Dan-Ilie, …., pe durata măsurii arestului la domiciliu, în sensul încetării obligaţiei de a…

Rmag Breaking News

As AI accelerates, Europe’s flagship privacy principles are under attack, warns EDPS

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has warned key planks of the bloc’s data protection and privacy regime are under attack from industry lobbyists and could face a critical reception from lawmakers in the next parliamentary mandate. “We have quite strong attacks on the principles themselves,” warned Wojciech Wiewiórowski, who heads the regulatory body that…

Ce comportament au avut animalele pe 8 aprilie 2024 în timpul eclipsei solare. Evenimentul a captat atenția tuturor

Ce comportament au avut animalele pe 8 aprilie 2024 în timpul eclipsei solare. Evenimentul a captat atenția tuturor

Agitație și panică în lumea animală La grădina zoologică din Dallas, girafele, zebrele și struții au oferit o imagine neobișnuită, trecând de la o stare de calm la agitație intensă în momentul în care cerul a început să se întunece. Țipetele ascuțite ale girafelor și alergatul panicat al zebrelor și struților prin țarcurile lor au…

Transfer surprinzător în Liga 1! UTA Arad a adus un internațional jamaican din MLS

Transfer surprinzător în Liga 1! UTA Arad a adus un internațional jamaican din MLS

UTA Arad a anunțat pe pagina oficială transferul internaționalului jamaican Kemar Lawrence, care a semnat cu formația antrenată de Mircea Rednic un contract valabil până în vară. Născut pe 17 septembrie 1992 la Kingston, în Jamaica, jucătorul și-a început cariera la Harbour Views, în țara natală de unde a trecut, tot în Jamaica, la Arnett…