Passing Properties in Java

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How are properties passed in Java

Java, a popular object-oriented programming language, has a clear method for passing parameters to its classes and methods. Developers must understand this process to work effectively. It is very important to understand how Java handles this process of passing props for developers seeking to implement effective and efficient code.

Method parameters can be passed in two primary ways: by value and by reference. Java is strictly pass-by-value, meaning that when a variable is passed to a method, a copy of the variable’s value is made. This distinction significantly impacts how data is manipulated within a method.

For primitive data types such as int, float, and char, the actual value of the variable is copied. Consequently, changes made to the parameter within the method do not affect the original variable outside the method. For instance:

public void modifyPrimitive(int number) {
    number = number + 10;

In this example, the modification does not affect the original number passed to the method.

In contrast, when passing objects, what is passed is a reference to the object, albeit still by value. This means that while the reference is a copy, it points to the same memory location as the original object. Modifications made to the object’s properties within the method will reflect in the original object.


public void modifyObject(MyClass obj) {
    obj.setProperty("New Value");

Here, if obj is an instance of MyClass, alterations to its properties will affect the original object, given that the reference points to the same instance.

Class constructors also utilize the same passing mechanism. When an object is instantiated, properties can be defined through constructor parameters, allowing developers to create initialized objects efficiently.


public class MyClass {
    private String property;

    public MyClass(String property) { = property;

In this situation, the constructor accepts a string parameter that initializes the class property upon creation.

There are several ways that developers can use to pass properties in Java. Below, I will list some of them.

In Java, you can pass properties or data between methods, classes, or components using several approaches. Here are the main methods to do so:

1. Method Arguments

  • Directly pass properties to a method as parameters for effective sharing of simple, transient data.
   public void greet(String name) {
       System.out.println("Hello, " + name);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       MyClass obj = new MyClass();

2. Return Values

  • Pass properties back as return values from a method.
   public String getGreeting(String name) {
       return "Hello, " + name;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       MyClass obj = new MyClass();
       String greeting = obj.getGreeting("Alice");

3. Class Variables (Fields)

  • Use instance variables to store properties that can be accessed and modified by methods within the same class. Look how I did it in the MyClass below:
   public class MyClass {
       private String name;

       public void setName(String name) {
  = name;

       public void printName() {
           System.out.println("Name: " + name);

       public static void main(String[] args) {
           MyClass obj = new MyClass();

4. Static Variables

  • Share properties across all instances of a class.
   public class MyClass {
       private static String appName = "MyApp";

       public static void printAppName() {
           System.out.println("App Name: " + appName);

       public static void main(String[] args) {

5. Constructors

  • Initialize properties when creating an object. Below I instantiated theMyClass class and called the method printName() with the valueMercy.
   public class MyClass {
       private String name;

       public MyClass(String name) {
  = name;

       public void printName() {
           System.out.println("Name: " + name);

       public static void main(String[] args) {
           MyClass obj = new MyClass("Mercy");

6. Using Getter and Setter Methods

  • Encapsulate fields using private access and provide public methods to get or set their values.
   public class MyClass {
       private String name;

       public String getName() {
           return name;

       public void setName(String name) {
  = name;

       public static void main(String[] args) {
           MyClass obj = new MyClass();

7. Collections

  • Pass properties as elements in a collection such as a List, Map, or Set.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Map<String, String> userInfo = new HashMap<>();
       userInfo.put("name", "Alice");
       userInfo.put("age", "25");

       System.out.println("User: " + userInfo.get("name"));

8. Using Property Files

  • Store properties in a .properties file and load them using java.util.Properties.

Java Code

   import java.util.Properties;

   public class MyClass {
       public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
           Properties props = new Properties();
           FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("");

           System.out.println("App Name: " + props.getProperty(""));
           System.out.println("Version: " + props.getProperty("app.version"));

9. Dependency Injection

  • Pass properties using frameworks like Spring or manually through constructors or setters.
   public class Service {
       private String message;

       public Service(String message) {
           this.message = message;

       public void printMessage() {

   public class App {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           Service service = new Service("Hello, Dependency Injection!");

These methods cater to various scenarios, ranging from simple method calls to complex application architecture. You need to choose which method to use depending on your design.

To conclude, understanding how Java passes parameters to methods and classes is vital for effective programming. The distinction between passing primitive values and object references clarifies how data is manipulated within methods.

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