Primitive Data Types in Python

Primitive Data Types in Python

Python offers a variety of data types to represent different kinds of information. Among these, primitive data types are the fundamental building blocks for storing and manipulating basic values. Let’s delve into the four core primitive data types in Python:

1. Integers (int):

Integers represent whole numbers, both positive and negative, without decimal places. They are commonly used for counting, identifying objects, and representing discrete values.

age = 25
score = 100
level = 3

2. Floating-point Numbers (float):

Floating-point numbers, also known as floats, represent numbers with decimal places. They are used to express values with fractional components, such as measurements, financial data, and scientific calculations.

pi = 3.14159
temperature = 22.5
price = 19.99

3. Strings (str):

Strings represent sequences of characters, typically representing text or other forms of human-readable information. They are enclosed within either single or double quotes.

name = “Alice”
message = “Hello, world!”
greeting = ‘How are you?’

Primitive Data Types in Python
Python offers a variety of data types to represent different kinds of information. Among these, primitive data types are the fundamental building blocks for storing and manipulating basic values. Let’s delve into the four core primitive data types in Python:

Integers (int):

Integers represent whole numbers, both positive and negative, without decimal places. They are commonly used for counting, identifying objects, and representing discrete values.

age = 25
score = 100
level = 3
Use o cĂłdigo com cuidado.

Floating-point Numbers (float):

Floating-point numbers, also known as floats, represent numbers with decimal places. They are used to express values with fractional components, such as measurements, financial data, and scientific calculations.

pi = 3.14159
temperature = 22.5
price = 19.99
Use o cĂłdigo com cuidado.

Strings (str):

Strings represent sequences of characters, typically representing text or other forms of human-readable information. They are enclosed within either single or double quotes.

name = “Alice”
message = “Hello, world!”
greeting = ‘How are you?’
Use o cĂłdigo com cuidado.

4. Booleans (bool):

Booleans represent logical values, either True or False. They are used in conditional statements and Boolean expressions to control program flow and determine outcomes.

is_student = True
is_weekend = False
is_raining = True

These primitive data types provide the foundation for more complex data structures and operations in Python programming. Understanding their usage and characteristics is essential for building robust and efficient programs.

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