Python for Software Engineering Beginners!

Python for Software Engineering Beginners!

What’s up SE nerds!! It’s Tripp, back with another blog from SE Bootcamp, currently finishing up Phase 3 out of 5! This time we are learning about using back end with Python. Here’s a rundown of the basics and what you can expect from when learning Python.

Some of the basic concepts you’ll start learning about in Python are Variables that store data values; Data Types like integers, float, strings, lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets; Control Structures such as ‘if’ statements, ‘for’ loops, and ‘while’ loops (sound familiar?); And Functions that work the same as in JavaScript, they are codes that perform specific tasks. Here are some brief examples:

The next part about Python you’ll need to know is about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). This is made up of ‘classes’ and ‘objects’. A ‘Class’ defines a data type with ‘attributes’ (like properties) and ‘methods’ (behaviors). An ‘object’ is an ‘instance’ of a class. Here’s an example to put it together:

You’ll also need to know about Inheritance. This allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class. This creates a hierarchy and allows code to be reused. This consists of a ‘base’/’parent’ class that the ‘derived’/’child’ class inherits from. Here’s an example below:

This last part brings all of this together that’s why it is appropriately called Object Relationships. This relates objects to each other in various ways. Two of these ways are ‘composition’ which is made up of one or more objects from other classes as a relationship, and ‘aggregation’ where a class can contain objects from other classes but they can be independent. Here’s an example of this:

I hope this post helps you out with your Python journey. Feel free to comment if there are any errors or anything that could help this post be more beneficial to new Python learners or SE students!!

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