Taylor Swift Accepts Her Own ‘Fortnight’ Challenge by Sharing Cute Video of Travis Kelce Kiss, Her Cat Benjamin Button & More

Taylor Swift Accepts Her Own ‘Fortnight’ Challenge by Sharing Cute Video of Travis Kelce Kiss, Her Cat Benjamin Button & More

Swifties might need at least a fortnight to recover from Taylor Swift‘s new YouTube Shorts video. On Friday night (April 19), after the premiere of her “Fortnight” music video from her just-released Tortured Poets Department album, Swift took to the video-sharing platform to encourage fans to share their “fortnight recap” with the hashtag #ForAFortnightChallenge. A…

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HAUSER @ Margaret Court Arena

“This is my first solo concert in Melbourne, and I’m so happy to be here,” exclaims HAUSER. “The first part of the concert is a little bit more classical, slow and beautifully romantic. Then later on, it’s going to get more and more crazy with each song,” he says. We embark on a journey across…

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Chinese hackers preparing to ‘physically wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure: FBI director

Chinese hackers preparing to ‘physically wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure: FBI director

Chinese hackers are developing the “ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing,” FBI director Christopher Wray said this week. He added that the hackers are waiting “for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow.” The hacking campaign, known as Volt Typhoon, has embedded itself successfully…

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RMAG news

La UE detecta 12.000 millones de desviación en el gasto en pensiones y 67.000 millones en gasto extra con la reforma de Escrivá

Notorio varapalo de la Unión Europea a la reforma de las pensiones impulsada por el ex ministro de Seguridad Social, José Luis Escrivá, porque no asegura la sostenibilidad del sistema, multiplica por dos el déficit del sistema previsto y no garantiza los fondos necesarios para cubrir las pensiones durante los próximos 25 años. Así lo…

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Madrid in Game pone rumbo a Nueva York tras el éxito de su cita tecnológica en Miami

Madrid in Game pone rumbo a Nueva York tras el éxito de su cita tecnológica en Miami

Madrid in Game es una iniciativa del [[LINK:TAG|||tag|||6336161fecd56e361693202b|||Ayuntamiento de Madrid]], con algo más de un año de vida, que busca impulsar el sector de la industria del videojuego de España, generar empleo y ayudar a internacionalizarlo. El programa continúa dando pasos hacia adelante en este último aspecto con su presencia en el eMerge Americas que…

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