“If you travel far you meet yourself.” Turkish Airlines has revealed an official trailer for a special art project called Inner Portrait, a short documentary created to promote travel. Of course. Inner Portrait is made in collaboration with American-Turkish artist Refik Anadol – a series of stories about four different people taking their first ever trip to some beautiful far away place. “In the Inner Portrait project, Anadol captures participants’ neurological & physiological responses during their travels. By converting this data into digital canvases, he creates artworks that reflect the inner emotional landscapes of his subjects, blending tech with human experience in a profound artistic expression.” They follow: an indigenous man from the Amazon who goes to Tokyo; an Australian woman exploring Turkey’s historic sites; an Icelandic man traveling around the deserts of Jordan; and a Kenyan tea plantation worker who travels to Istanbul. All four of these sound like exciting adventures! Yes it’s just one big promo for Turkish Airlines, but it’s made by an especially talented crew of filmmakers & artists who know how to capture the magnificence of this grand world we all live on… // Continue Reading ›