Replacing the internal tooling we used at Meta (Facebook)

Replacing the internal tooling we used at Meta (Facebook)

A common startup dilemma

As an early-stage startup, you can afford to spend time building things that are not core to your product.

This might be controversial, but my experience has been to pick and choose the battles you want to face.

While all startups are different, we eventually encounter a common dilemma: “Do you buy a solution or build one yourself?”

Some startup teams opt for the scrappy approach, building in-house tools/ finding an open-source solution, while others default to buying a SaaS vendor.

Statsig was no different. However, since the founding engineering team were all ex-Meta (Facebook), they looked to replace the tooling they used before.

Sharing your tech stack is cool, but sharing your story is more helpful

The biggest takeaway for me while sharing their story is that posts about your tech stack might be cool on social, but they leave out the most important part: how you arrived there. What battles did you face and what tradeoffs did you make trying different tools?

Below is a full breakdown of Statsig’s tooling & tech stack, and we wrote about the struggles we faced along the way to get there.

(…My favorite story is how we tried to save money by using an open-source Notion alternative. Yeah, that didn’t work out.)

If you’re curious, we wrote about our story here.

A peek into an ex-meta tech stack

Let me know which tools you replaced and with what. Would love to hear how you solved your startup dilemma.

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