Romanian Government Lies about Storm Ashley’s Intensity

RMAG news

In the context of Storm Ashley, Romanian authorities announced a cyclone even though the storm was characterized by only light rain and very weak winds on Sunday. Far from the catastrophic weather announced the whole week!

This discrepancy raises questions about the motivations behind such communications, especially while the neighbouring countries, except for Moldova, have not mentioned “cyclone” in their official communication.

This political or, better said, public communication does no good to the authorities using this manipulation or to the public, who sees after the event that this was not close to being accurate.

Not only was it not a cyclone, but it was far even from a summer rain. Not a reason for the social unrest following the fake news issued from the highest levels of the Government.

Without defending the ones who chose to manipulate the weather reports the whole week, as they did during the so-called pandemic, here are several possible reasons for this approach to being dishonest to the Romanian people.

Possible reasons for the Governmental manipulation of public opinion

Authorities may have issued warnings to encourage preparedness among the population. By framing the weather as a more significant threat, they aim to ensure that citizens take necessary precautions, even if the conditions are milder than described.

Also, given the recent devastation caused by Storm Boris, which resulted in severe flooding and fatalities, officials may have adopted a more cautious approach to avoid underestimating potential risks associated with Storm Ashley.

In other words, in the wake of previous storms that caused significant damage, authorities might feel pressured to demonstrate that they are taking weather threats seriously. Misrepresenting a storm’s intensity could be seen as a way to maintain public trust in their ability to manage crises effectively.

Also, this manipulative approach would’ve helped the ruling coalition avoid criticism. If the storm escalated unexpectedly, authorities could face backlash for not issuing adequate warnings. By labelling it a cyclone, they may seek to shield themselves from criticism should conditions worsen.

Last but not least, as the Romanian Government has joined the “global warning apostles coalition, we don’t exclude the possibility for the authorities to have the idea of scaring people and induce the idea of catastrophic consequences of the so-called global warming. Light rains are presented as cyclones to justify other measures taken in the name of love for the environment. Nothing more fake than that!

As there was only summer rain, far from the announced “cyclone,” questions arose, and the authorities had to offer proper explanations for why they lied to the people and created panic in Bucharest and the major cities.

A conclusion is clear, though – lies, especially from the Government’s level, do no good to the public’s trust in the authorities. Next time a storm hits Bucharest or any other city, the Government’s announcement will be seen as manipulative, and people won’t follow the recommendations, which could cause fatalities. But that will be the job of another Government, of course.

The post Romanian Government Lies about Storm Ashley’s Intensity appeared first on Valahia.News.

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