Romania’s Tarom listed among worst airlines in AirHelp ranking

Romania’s Tarom listed among worst airlines in AirHelp ranking

Romania’s ailing state airline Tarom was recently ranked among the worst in the world by AirHelp, a company that specializes in obtaining compensation from airlines. The ranking, however, does not provide a complete methodology and includes a low number of airlines.

Tarom appears along airlines such as Tunisair (Tunisia), Buzz (Poland), Nouvelair (Tunisia), Bulgaria Air (Bulgaria), El Al Israel Airlines (Israel), Pegasus Airlines (Turkey), Indigo (India), Air Mauritius (Mauritius), and Sky Express (Greece). 

“Following on from a disappointing finish last year with this year’s joint-worst rating for Claim Processing (0.0 out of 10), Tarom received a total AirHelp score of 4.82 out of 10,” the ranking says.

Among the best airlines, AirHelp lists Brussels Airways with last year’s best airline Qatar Airways in second place.

AirHelp claims to have taken into account the opinions of passengers, the punctuality of flights, and the processing of compensation claims.

The ranking went viral online, but it does not provide details about the methodology used. Secondly, it includes only 109 airlines, a small number compared to the thousands of airlines operating worldwide. This fact limits the ranking’s relevance.

The Romanian national airline Tarom is currently undergoing restructuring.

(Photo source: Colicaranica |

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