Poza unei femei din Gaza care ține strâns în brațe corpul neînsuflețit al nepoatei sale de 5 ani a fost desemnată fotografia anului la World Press Photo of the Year 2024

Fotograful Reuters, Mohammed Salem, a câștigat joi prestigiosul premiu World Press Photo of the Year 2024 pentru fotografia sa cu o femeie palestiniană legănând cadavrul nepoatei ei de cinci ani în Fâșia Gaza. Inas Abu Maamar, 36 de ani, plânge în timp ce ține corpul înfășurat în cearșaf al lui Saly la morga spitalului Nasser…

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Explore Virginia: What to do, tour and see on your next vacation

Explore Virginia: What to do, tour and see on your next vacation

Virginia’s motto, “Virginia is for lovers,” captures only a fraction of its allure. The state boasts a wide range of activities that cater to solo travelers, groups of friends and families alike. Virginia has historical treasures like Colonial Williamsburg, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and George Washington’s Mount Vernon.  THE BEST TOURISM SPOTS IN TEXAS FOR THE…

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Goodbye Earth K-Drama Poster: Ahn Eun-Jin, Kim Yoon-Hye & Jeon Seong-Woo Face Apocalypse

Goodbye Earth K-Drama Poster: Ahn Eun-Jin, Kim Yoon-Hye & Jeon Seong-Woo Face Apocalypse

Ahn Eun-Jin in Goodbye Earth (Photo Credit: Netflix Korea) Netflix’s upcoming K-drama Goodbye Earth released a brand new poster, giving viewers a glimpse of its storyline. The series is a pre-apocalyptic drama that follows the story of individuals who navigate their final few days before an asteroid strikes the Earth. The characters battle for survival…

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Russland verliert Überschallbomber

Russland verliert Überschallbomber

Bei einem nächtlichen Luftangriff schießen russische Kampfjets Raketen auf die Ukraine ab. Doch ein Flugzeug kehrt vom Einsatz nicht zurück. Die russische Luftwaffe hat einen ihrer schweren Überschallbomber vom Typ Tupolew Tu-22M3 verloren. Während das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau von einem Absturz sprach, der vermutlich technische Ursachen habe, nahm die Ukraine dies als Abschuss in Anspruch….

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The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Streaming Release Date Rumors

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Streaming Release Date Rumors

Image Credit: Lionsgate Films The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare streaming release date is highly anticipated, and viewers are wondering when they can start streaming the film. Guy Ritchie co-wrote, directed, and co-produced The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. An adaptation of Damien Lewis’ 2014 book Churchill’s Secret Warriors: The Explosive True Story of the Special Forces…

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