‘Seven years wasted’: Grenfell bereaved fight for evacuation plans on anniversary

‘Seven years wasted’: Grenfell bereaved fight for evacuation plans on anniversary

Shah Aghlani, whose disabled mother was trapped on 18th floor, says personalised plan would have saved her life

Disabled high-rise residents still at risk, say firefighters

When Shah Aghlani helped his mother, Sakina Afrasehabi, move into flat 151 of Grenfell Tower in 2016, he was full of concern. Afrasehabi was partially sighted, had severe arthritis and walked with the aid of a frame, yet she was housed on the 18th floor of the 23-storey building. “I felt scared because it was so high up in the air,” Aghlani recalls. “My fears turned out not to be baseless.”

Just a year after moving, on 14 June 2017, Grenfell Tower was engulfed in flames in one of the worst disasters to happen in modern history in the UK. On the night of the fire, Aghlani rushed to the tower after receiving a distressed phone call at 1:20am by his aunt, Fatima, who was staying with his mother.

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