RMAG news

Salvini, Travaglio e Minniti sbugiardati: quanti morti è costata la bufala dei taxi del mare?

Il giudice ha dichiarato il non luogo a procedere. Il processo contro l’equipaggio della Iuventa e gli operatori di Msf e di Save The Children accusati di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina non si farà. Il fatto non sussiste. L’opera sistematica di diffamazione contro le Ong (di governi, partiti, giornali e pezzi di magistratura) è stata sconfitta…

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RMAG news

Iraq, bombardata base militare filo-Iran: due morti, Israele e Usa negano coinvolgimento

Il fronte di guerra in Medio Oriente continua ad allargarsi pericolosamente. Dopo una prima reazione israeliana avvenuta nella giornata di venerdì, un attacco “dimostrativo” sul suolo iraniano con l’uso di droni, questa volta ad infiammarsi è il vicino Iraq. L’attacco ad una base militare in Iraq Fonti della sicurezza irachene hanno riferito di un “bombardamento”…

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“We put everything into this expansion” – Final Fantasy 16’s DLC director speaks on the game’s final content drop

“We put everything into this expansion” – Final Fantasy 16’s DLC director speaks on the game’s final content drop

With the release of Rising Tide, the world of Final Fantasy 16 is now complete. A game about elemental gods that in the past have been known as Espers, Summons, Eidolons and more, one element was mysteriously missing from FF16’s narrative. Now, with Rising Tide, the Eikon of Water joins Clive’s fight. “You can really…

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Comment les entreprises françaises partent à la conquête de l’Allemagne

Comment les entreprises françaises partent à la conquête de l’Allemagne

Acheter une entreprise en Allemagne, un parcours du combattant ? Ce n’est pas le directeur des fusions-acquisitions du groupe coopératif agricole breton Eureden qui dira le contraire. “J’ai travaillé dans trois ETI françaises, où j’ai toujours fait des rachats à l’international. Et nous nous sommes toujours cassé les dents en Allemagne”, admet Cédric Lombard dans…

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Florida teen arrested for allegedly pointing laser at sheriff’s helicopter: ‘He’s blinding our pilot’

Florida teen arrested for allegedly pointing laser at sheriff’s helicopter: ‘He’s blinding our pilot’

A 13-year-old Florida boy is charged with a felony after allegedly pointing a laser at a sheriff’s department helicopter. The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said the helicopter was in the sky around 12:30 a.m. Thursday in the area of 7th Street Northwest and 11th Avenue in Largo, when a green laser lighting device was pointed…

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