Hey everyone! I’ve just completed my first real pet project – a Sorting Algorithms Visualizer, built with React. 🎉
GitHub repo: https://github.com/Fedorse/Sorting-Algorithm-Visualizer
Live demo: https://algorithms-virid.vercel.app/
It was a great learning experience, and i hope this project helps others visualize how sorting algorithms work.
Deno 2.0 Takes Flight
The web is humanity’s largest software platform, boasting over 5 billion users, and growing. However, as the demand for web development soars, so does its complexity. Between endless configuration files, mountains of boilerplate, and an overwhelming number of dependencies, developers are spending more time wrestling with setup than building the next big thing. 😎 Enter…
Refactor a code factor
Greetings, This week we had to learn about refactoring an existing code base. This was a new experience for me as a student you don’t often have to go back to an old assignment. However, since we were working with our existing AI CLI tool we had something to work with. Additionally, we also had…
Membuat Landing Page Sederhana dan Cepat dengan ReactJS, Vite, dan Tailwind CSS
Pendahuluan Landing page yang efektif dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk menarik perhatian audiens dan meningkatkan konversi. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas cara membuat landing page modern menggunakan Vite sebagai build tool, ReactJS sebagai framework UI, dan Tailwind CSS untuk styling yang efisien. Membuat Struktur Komponen Landing Page Buat komponen dasar seperti LandingPage, Home,…
Code Against the Clock: How I Cut Our Marketing Team’s Daily Chores with Automation
Welcome back to “Code Against the Clock!” – the blog series where I transform mundane tasks into streamlined, time-saving marvels. Today, I’m excited to share a project where I turned a repetitive, manual chore into an automated powerhouse. Ready to see how you can save time and add a touch of excitement to your workflow?…
Hacking Ways Into Hacktoberfest 2024:
Fueled by Friendship, Code Chaos & Coffee Overload So here I am, diving headfirst into Hacktoberfest24 all thanks to my friend Yoshi from Sri Lanka, who casually threw me the “you should totally join” & bomb here I am. And just like that, here I am, armed with JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and at least 60…
Reminiscing the Old Days of VB.NET
The early 2000s marked a major shift in Microsoft’s programming language landscape with the introduction of the .NET framework. At the time, Visual Basic (VB) was one of the most popular languages, particularly in the enterprise and desktop development worlds. When Microsoft transitioned from VB6 to VB.NET, the community was divided. VB.NET was designed to…
My notes on the OpenGL ES hello world triangle
Table of contents What is this blog post? What is open gl es? What is a vertex? What is a vertex shader? What is a fragment? What is a fragment shader? Shader and Program objects Resources What is a vertex shader Intro to shaders Graphics pipeline What is a fragment Fragment shaders My app on…
Dia 13 – 1.3 Por trás do programa
Esse post fala sobre o capítulo 1.3 do livro “Organização e Projeto de Computadores: Interface Hardware/Software” – O começo desse capítulo deixa explícito que o computador só pode executar instruções de baixo nível e há várias camadas que interpretam ou traduzem as operações de alto nível para baixo nível. Esse é um grande exemplo de…
Refactoring and rebasing
Task For this lab we had to do some refactoring and then rebase it all after. For refactoring, I mainly focus on cleaning up my code and look for ways to reduce the clutter and simplifying my code. I looked for long codes that can be heavily shortened. I also fixed error handling. I put…
Promises in JavaScript, A Guide for 2024
As JavaScript continues to evolve, understanding asynchronous programming is crucial for modern development. Promises are a powerful tool that allows you to work with asynchronous operations more effectively. Here’s a guide on how to use promises in your JavaScript projects. What is a Promise? A Promise is an object that represents the eventual completion (or…
Python vs Java: A Deep Dive into the Best Programming Language for You
Hey everyone! How’s your week going? 😊 Whether you’re in the middle of a coding marathon, enjoying a well-deserved break, or just here to explore new tech ideas, we’re happy to have you. Today, we’re diving into a hot topic: Python vs. Java. 🚀 These two programming giants are often at the center of debates,…
Using TypeORM with TSX: A Smoother Development Experience
Working with TypeScript in Node.js applications can sometimes be challenging, especially when integrating with tools like TypeORM. While ts-node has been a popular choice for running TypeScript directly, it often comes with configuration headaches and performance bottlenecks. In this article, we’ll explore using tsx as an alternative to ts-node for TypeORM, providing a smoother and…
Should We Allow to Appear as A Child of ?
It actually works well. Please follow and like us:
Next Js Localisation
Hello All, I am new to this community and thank you for your support and time. I am working on a bilingual site (English and Japanese). I am using next-intl package to set the locale. I am trying to implement the following use cases Set the default language to user browser language Set the default…
Scale Deployments Based on HTTP Requests with Keda
I’m using CloudWatch as a trigger, which means I have installed the CloudWatch agent responsible for sending metrics to CloudWatch. My KEDA fetches metrics based on the collection interval defined in the configuration of ScaledObject. You can follow the configuration below to set up the ScaledObject based on the number of HTTP requests. apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1…
Human readable time in Rust
When it comes to formatting time into the human-readable format in Rust, there could be various possible solutions including doing some math or using Instance. However, I demonstrate the millisecond crate, the dedicated and specialized crate for the purpose. This crate converts nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, etc into short and long formats; suitable for human…
Introduction to the MERN Stack: Building Full-Stack Applications with Ease 🚀
In the world of web development, the MERN stack has emerged as a powerful solution for creating dynamic and interactive applications. Comprising four key technologies—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js—this stack allows developers to build full-stack applications using JavaScript throughout. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these technologies work together, their pros and cons, and…
REVIEW In the course of two weeks I have gained skills needed to build a full-stack Next.js applications.On this project we were expected to build a full-stack web application which should have a public home page, login page, dashboard pages and setting up database. REQUIREMENTS . Operating system; MacOS, Windows or Linus . Node.js 18.17.0…
Special Types of Interviews: How to Identify and Succeed in Them..
When preparing for interviews, it’s essential to recognize that not all interviews are alike. Some interviewers ask questions that follow specific patterns, and failing to identify these can make the process more challenging. Understanding these distinct types of interviews can help you better prepare and succeed. Let’s dive into the three main types: 1) Behavioral…
Essential Tips for Aspiring Web Developers
Web development is an ever-evolving field that offers endless opportunities for creativity and innovation. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your skills, these tips will help you confidently navigate the world of web development. 1. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to mastering web development. Set aside time each day to code, experiment…
Enhancing Healthcare Outcomes with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: A Path to Better Results
In today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment Leveraging advanced technology is critical to improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) offers a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to transform healthcare delivery by Improved data management Strong security guarantees and advanced analytics This article dives into how OCI drives better healthcare outcomes and why…
Mastering React: A Comprehensive Learning Guide
Welcome to a thorough journey through React and its ecosystem! This guide will provide you with a structured path for mastering React, from understanding basic concepts to exploring advanced topics in React and associated technologies. Getting Started with React React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, mainly for single-page applications where you…
IaC Security Analysis: Checkov vs. tfsec vs. Terrascan – A Comparative Evaluation
Traditional, manual security processes can’t keep up with the speed of modern development, which leaves systems vulnerable to attacks. That’s where Security as Code (SaC) comes in. SaC automates security checks and policies, making them an integral part of the development pipeline. This ensures that security is built into every step without slowing down progress….
Terraform – Overview
What is Terraform? 🤔 Terraform is an open-source, cloud-agnostic, one of the most popular Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp. It is used by DevOps teams to automate infrastructure tasks such as provisioning of your cloud resources. Terraform supported immutable infrastructure, a declarative language, a masterless and agentless architecture, and had a large community and…
Why is Nextjs so popular in startups?
Nextjs is quite popular with startups. What are the main features of Next.js that make startups adopt it? Please follow and like us:
10 Essential Shadcn Components Every Developer Should Know About
Living in the web development world, it may just feel like digging for treasure until you find your tools. If you’re just starting now, well, you’re in luck because Shadcn is packed full of awesome components that can make life so much easier. If you are a professional or a beginner, knowing these 10 essential…
Execute Syntax on Background Process
Pada postingan ini kita akan belajar cara remot ssh dan menjalankan perintah di balik layar atau background proses dengan 2 tools. Tools yg pertama akan kita bahas adalah tmux dan yg kedua adalah screen. Kedua alat tersebut adalah terminal multiplexer yang digunakan untuk multi tasking di terminal Linux. Okeh kita bahas cara penggunaanya. Saya asumsikan…
Scala is one of the best ways to learn Haskell
First, a reminder: You DON’T NEED TO learn Haskell — that’s not what I want to talk about. I genuinely want to talk about learning Haskell, and Haskell specifically — not functional programming. The following might interest you if you want to get into Haskell for personal reasons (if you think it’s cool, well-paid, or…
What is the Difference Between Radix UI and ShadCN?
Be it a seasoned pro or a newcomer, UI library selection could make all the difference in any of your projects. Today, let’s take a deeper look at two of the top contenders: Radix UI and ShadCN. Both these libraries have something different to bring to the table, and by the end of this post,…
AuthorizationEndpoint vs TokenEndpoint
In OAuth 2.0, the AuthorizationEndpoint and TokenEndpoint serve different roles in the process of obtaining access to resources on behalf of a user. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between them: 1. Authorization Endpoint Purpose: The AuthorizationEndpoint is responsible for obtaining authorization from the user to access their resources. This is where the user grants…