Google firing office protesters shows tide is turning as ‘bosses are losing patience’ with activist employees

Google firing office protesters shows tide is turning as ‘bosses are losing patience’ with activist employees

Activist employees may be losing their grip on major businesses as some companies are starting to clamp down on workplace disruptions. Following multiple anti-Israel protests at company headquarters earlier this month, Google fired 28 employees and issued a new announcement that emphasized a “Mission First” mindset. “But ultimately we are a workplace and our policies…

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Enhanced Games founder calls for ‘reform’ after Chinese swimmers’ PED controversy

Enhanced Games founder calls for ‘reform’ after Chinese swimmers’ PED controversy

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said that 23 Chinese swimmers were allowed to compete in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics despite testing positive for a banned substance. The WADA ruled that since the athletes were “inadvertently being exposed to the substance through contamination,” a claim initially brought by the Chinese Doping Agency, they were able to…

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USA liefern Ukraine ATACMS: FDP-Politikerin fordert Scholz zum Handeln auf

USA liefern Ukraine ATACMS: FDP-Politikerin fordert Scholz zum Handeln auf

Die USA liefern offenbar weitreichende Raketen an Kiew. Das könnte auch Olaf Scholz unter Druck setzen. Eine FDP-Politikerin fordert den Kanzler zum Handeln auf. In der Ukraine könnte nun ein Szenario eingetreten sein, das viele Experten seit Wochen vorausgesagt haben: Bei dem Ort Otscheretyne, westlich von Awdijiwka in der Ostukraine, ist der russischen Armee am…

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College students, inmates and a nun: A unique book club meets at Cook County Jail

College students, inmates and a nun: A unique book club meets at Cook County Jail

For college senior Nana Ampofo, an unconventional book club inside one of the nation’s largest jails has transformed her career ambitions. Each week, the 22-year-old drives a van of her DePaul University peers to Cook County Jail to discuss books with inmates and recently, the well-known activist Sister Helen Prejean. Ampofo comes prepared with thought-provoking…

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Columbia protests are ‘writing on the wall’ about antisemitism on campuses student organization founder says

Columbia protests are ‘writing on the wall’ about antisemitism on campuses student organization founder says

The founder of a pro-Israel international campus movement is warning against history repeating itself as antisemitism continues to rage on university and college campuses across the country.  Ilan Sinelnikov, the President and Founder of Students Supporting Israel (SSI), a pro-Israel student movement, told Fox News Digital that history is repeating itself — pointing to the…

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Jugendstudie: Jugendliche gehen massenhaft der AfD auf den Leim

Jugendstudie: Jugendliche gehen massenhaft der AfD auf den Leim

Guten Morgen, liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, kleines Quiz gefällig? Bitte sehr: Aus welchem Jahrzehnt stammen die folgenden Schlagzeilen amerikanischer Zeitungen? “Polizei in New York verhaftet Antikriegs-Protestierende” – “Studenten in Kalifornien gehen auf die Barrikaden” – “Proteste an den Universitäten greifen um sich” Was meinen Sie, wann ist das gewesen und um welchen Krieg geht es…

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