RMAG news

The world’s leading AI companies pledge to protect the safety of children online

Leading artificial intelligence companies including OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Meta and others have jointly pledged to prevent their AI tools from being used to exploit children and generate child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The initiative was led by child-safety group Thorn and All Tech Is Human, a non-profit focused on responsible tech. The pledges from AI…

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Gary STEM students earn scholarships

Gary STEM students earn scholarships

Growing up in Gary, Rayven Anderson always wanted to be an inventor. Later, she decided to lean more into innovation. The 17-year-old West Side Leadership Academy senior taught herself coding at age 10 through YouTube videos and other online lessons. “I love code, and I learned on my own,” said Anderson on Tuesday after she…

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Protejarea pădurilor din Ilfov este piatra de temelie a viitoarei Centuri Verzi București-Ilfov

Protejarea pădurilor din Ilfov este piatra de temelie a viitoarei Centuri Verzi București-Ilfov

Înscrisă ca amendamente la noul Cod Silvic, protejarea pădurilor din Ilfov împotriva exploatărilor comerciale, piatra de temelie a viitoarei Centuri Verzi București-Ilfov, a fost votată marți, 23 aprilie 2024, în unanimitate, de comisiile reunite pentru Mediu și pentru Păduri ale Senatului, potrivit adevarul.ro. De asemenea, comisiile reunite au votat tot cu unanimitate pentru protejarea și…

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