Study shows over 1.1 million New Mexicans sexual violence survivors

Study shows over 1.1 million New Mexicans sexual violence survivors

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – This is the first time in over 20 years that a study of this nature has been conducted and the results revealed that over 1.1 million New Mexicans have experienced sexual violence. The New Mexico Crime victimization report was conducted from September 2023 through June 2024, with over 1,200 survey responses.

“It provides clarity for us about the strategy and the supports that we need to have in place in order to not only meet people where they are at who have experienced sexual violence but also to begin preventing it from happening in the very first place,” Alexandria Taylor, Executive Director of the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.

Despite the need for help, 68% of victims of sexual assault and 75% of victims of rape did not seek professional support. “It’s also a really important reminder that no one is alone, and that this is something that we know a lot about how to support folks in New Mexico and are building strategies to make sure people have the help that they need,” Rachel Cox, Deputy Director of the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.

Across the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, there are 16 service providers, 14 nurse examination units, and 11 child advocacy centers. In October, the Coalition launched a new helpline.

“We want to make sure that if someone experienced sexual violence five years ago, 50 years ago, or yesterday, they know that there is help available to them in their community,” continued Taylor.

Representatives on the phone are able to provide local victim support services and get people help wherever they are. “They can chat, they can text, and it’s all based on what the survivor is looking for and that pace. So folks don’t need to necessarily share everything that’s happened to them, who they are, where they are. It can be completely anonymous,” concluded Cox.

The study found that only one-third of respondents sought professional help or victim services.
The coalition hopes that by expanding its reach with this helpline, fewer people suffer in silence.

The NM Sexual Assault Helpline can be reached at 1-844-667-2457.

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