RMAG news

South Carolina Entertainment & Music Hall of Fame to Induct Marcus King and Others

Photo Credit: Dino Perrucci Relix cover artist Marcus King will be inducted into the South Carolina Entertainment & Music Hall next Thursday, April 25. The event is slated to occur at Furman’s McAllister Auditorium in Greenville, S.C., and includes various Palmetto State natives who will also accept the state’s prestigious honor.  Apart from King’s inclusion,…

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EU-Gipfel widmet sich Iran-Sanktionen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

EU-Gipfel widmet sich Iran-Sanktionen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

Brüssel (ADZ) – Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU, darunter Präsident Klaus Johannis, sind am Mittwochabend in Brüssel zu einem außerordentlichen Gipfel zusammengekommen, der eigentlich im Zeichen eines neuen Deals für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Wirtschaft stehen sollte. Nach dem iranischen Luftangriff auf Israel stand allerdings das Thema Nahost ganz oben auf der Agenda, wobei…

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Transformers One turns Cybertron’s greatest warriors into bumbling youths in first trailer

Transformers One turns Cybertron’s greatest warriors into bumbling youths in first trailer

Paramount’s live-action Transformers movies have always made its alien robots seem like they were born ready for battle and knowing how to navigate the world, but the first trailer for director Josh Cooley’s Transformers One animated prequel reveals that to be anything but the case. Set in the distant past on the Cybertronian homeworld, Transformers…

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RMAG news

Repatrierea migranţilor sirieni, ”susținută de multe state din UE”

Preşedintele Ciprului, Nikos Christodoulides, a declarat joi că „un număr semnificativ” de state membre ale UE sprijină o propunere a ţării sale privind reevaluarea situaţiei din Siria şi revenirea în zonele „sigure” din această ţară a refugiaţilor care au plecat de acolo în perioada scursă de când a început războiul civil, relatează agenţia EFE. Acest…

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Snapdragon X Elite Is A Necessary Hardware Requirement If Users Want To Take Advantage Of Windows 11’s AI Explorer

Snapdragon X Elite Is A Necessary Hardware Requirement If Users Want To Take Advantage Of Windows 11’s AI Explorer

Windows 11 is said to receive an AI Explorer feature, which will act as a kind of search engine that operates inside Microsoft’s operating system and will show results based on your current and past activity. Unfortunately, the company will reportedly keep the feature limited to PCs that are not running the Snapdragon X Elite,…

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