Students sample potential careers at Waukegan High’s Trade and Tech Fair; ‘These are jobs where you don’t need a college degree’

Students sample potential careers at Waukegan High’s Trade and Tech Fair; ‘These are jobs where you don’t need a college degree’

Groups of Waukegan High School students crowded around a mine-resistant military vehicle outside the school Thursday waiting to climb aboard when it was their turn. Friends snapped pictures, and a few got to rev the engine. “This is pretty cool,” senior Emmanuel Sanchez said. “I’m going to either Roosevelt (University) or Northern Illinois (University), but…

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El arzobispo de Boston (EEUU) reclama en Salamanca el diseño de una arquitectura de inmigración “generosa, humana y efectiva” a nivel mundial

El arzobispo de Boston (EEUU) reclama en Salamanca el diseño de una arquitectura de inmigración “generosa, humana y efectiva” a nivel mundial

El cardenal Seán Patrick O’Malley, arzobispo de Boston (EEUU) reclamó este viernes el diseño de una arquitectura de inmigración “generosa, humana y efectiva” a nivel mundial, durante su discurso en el solemne acto de investidura como doctor ‘honoris causa’ por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca que tuvo hoy lugar en el Aula Magna de su…

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Ripple CEO Weighs In On His $5 Trillion Crypto Market Forecast, Says It Was ‘Underpredicted’

Ripple CEO Weighs In On His $5 Trillion Crypto Market Forecast, Says It Was ‘Underpredicted’

In a recent interview with Fox on April 18th, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse shared his insights on the crypto market, particularly weighing in on his recent forecast suggesting a doubling digital currency market size by 2024. In the interview, Garlinghouse also remained bullish on the long-term trajectory of the digital currency market despite recent market…

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RMAG news

Festival delle culture mediterranee, serve una coalizione per fermare il razzismo di Stato

Il 3 ottobre del 2013, 368 cadaveri affiorarono dal mare nei pressi della spiaggia più bella dell’isola di Lampedusa, quella dell’isola dei Conigli. Una strage che risvegliò, per qualche giorno, la coscienza di chi aveva responsabilità istituzionali e politiche, portando alla realizzazione del primo e unico programma pubblico di ricerca e salvataggio “Mare Nostrum” che…

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