National Independent Venue Association Reveals Programming for 2024 Conference

National Independent Venue Association Reveals Programming for 2024 Conference

The National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) has unveiled programming for its third annual conference. NIVA ‘24 will take place in New Orleans from June 3-5 with speakers from Eventbrite, National Independent Talent Organization, Wasserman, Live Music Society, Spotify, Meta and hundreds of independent venues and promoters from across the country. This year’s speakers will include…

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Ukraine meldet Zerstörung von russischem Spezialsystem Zhitel

Ukraine meldet Zerstörung von russischem Spezialsystem Zhitel

Ein russisches System, das Funk- und GPS-Signale stört kann, ist offenbar von ukrainischen Einheiten zerstört worden. Ein Video soll den Angriff zeigen. Der Ukraine ist nach eigenen Angaben ein wichtiger Schlag gegen die russischen Angreifer gelungen. Sondereinheiten der Armee hätten Anfang April bei Saporischschja ein elektronisches Kampfführungssystem zerstört, meldet die Armee auf Facebook. Es sei…

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Some Traders Think This New Solana Meme Coin Might Explode When It Lists on Exchanges in 10 Days

Some Traders Think This New Solana Meme Coin Might Explode When It Lists on Exchanges in 10 Days

Meme coin investors have a new obsession, and it’s an unlikely one: Slothana. This sloth-themed token is set to hit exchanges in just 10 days – and some traders believe that the upcoming listing of Slothana (SLOTH) could be the catalyst for an explosive price pump. Hilarious Backstory Behind Crypto’s Hot New Sloth-Themed Token Slothana…

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Trump says Biden ‘should be in jail’ and ‘on trial,’ while blasting NY case: ‘The whole world is watching’

Trump says Biden ‘should be in jail’ and ‘on trial,’ while blasting NY case: ‘The whole world is watching’

Former President Trump declared it is President Joe Biden who “should be in jail” and “be on trial,” while blasting the case against him and saying “the whole world is watching this New York scandal,” as he left court after the third day of his historic and unprecedented criminal trial.  The former president, shortly after…

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