Testing Temporary URLs in Laravel Storage

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How to Test Laravel’s Storage::temporaryUrl()

Laravel provides a powerful and flexible Storage facade for file storage and manipulation. One notable feature is temporaryUrl(), which generates temporary URLs for files stored on services like Amazon S3 or DigitalOcean Spaces. However, Laravel’s documentation does not cover how to test this method effectively. Testing it can pose challenges, particularly when using Storage::fake, as the fake storage driver does not support temporaryUrl() and throws the error:

This driver does not support creating temporary URLs.

In this article, we’ll demonstrate two approaches to testing Storage::temporaryUrl() using a practical example. These approaches involve mocking the filesystem and using fake storage. Both methods ensure your tests remain isolated and reliable.

Example Setup

We’ll use a PriceExport model, a corresponding controller, and test cases to illustrate the testing process. Here’s the setup:


final class PriceExport extends Model
    protected $fillable = [

    public function user(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

    public function supplier(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Supplier::class);


The controller generates a temporary URL for the file using the temporaryUrl method:

final class PriceExportController extends Controller
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
    public function download(PriceExport $priceExport): DownloadFileResource
        if (!$priceExport->is_ready || empty($priceExport->path)) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException('price export');

        $fileName = basename($priceExport->path);
        $diskS3 = Storage::disk(StorageDiskName::DO_S3->value);

        $url = $diskS3->temporaryUrl($priceExport->path, Carbon::now()->addHour());

        $downloadFileDTO = new DownloadFileDTO($url, $fileName);

        return DownloadFileResource::make($downloadFileDTO);

Testing temporaryUrl()

Test Case 1: Using Storage::fake

While Storage::fake doesn’t natively support temporaryUrl, we can mock the fake storage to simulate the method’s behavior. This approach ensures you can test without needing a real storage service.

final class PriceExportTest extends TestCase
    public function test_price_export_download_fake(): void
        // Arrange
        $user = $this->getDefaultUser();

        $supplier = SupplierFactory::new()->create();
        $priceExport = PriceExportFactory::new()->for($user)->for($supplier)->create([
            'path' => 'price-export/price-2025.xlsx',

        $expectedUrl = 'https://temporary-url.com/supplier-price-export-2025.xlsx';
        $expectedFileName = basename($priceExport->path);

        $fakeFilesystem = Storage::fake(StorageDiskName::DO_S3->value);

        // Mock the fake filesystem
        $proxyMockedFakeFilesystem = Mockery::mock($fakeFilesystem);
        Storage::set(StorageDiskName::DO_S3->value, $proxyMockedFakeFilesystem);

        // Act
        $response = $this->postJson(route('api-v2:price-export.price-exports.download', $priceExport));

        // Assert
            'data' => [
                'name' => $expectedFileName,
                'url' => $expectedUrl,

Test Case 2: Using Storage::shouldReceive

This method leverages Laravel’s built-in mocking capabilities to mock the temporaryUrl behavior directly.

final class PriceExportTest extends TestCase
    public function test_price_export_download_mock(): void
        // Arrange
        $user = $this->getDefaultUser();

        $supplier = SupplierFactory::new()->create();
        $priceExport = PriceExportFactory::new()->for($user)->for($supplier)->create([
            'path' => 'price-export/price-2025.xlsx',

        $expectedUrl = 'https://temporary-url.com/supplier-price-export-2025.xlsx';
        $expectedFileName = basename($priceExport->path);

        // Mock the storage behavior

        // Act
        $response = $this->postJson(route('api-v2:price-export.price-exports.download', $priceExport));

        // Assert
            'data' => [
                'name' => $expectedFileName,
                'url' => $expectedUrl,

Key Takeaways

  1. Storage::fake Limitation: The fake storage driver does not support temporaryUrl. Use a mocked version of the fake storage to work around this.
  2. Mocking Storage: Laravel’s Storage::shouldReceive simplifies mocking methods like temporaryUrl when testing controllers.
  3. Isolation: Both approaches ensure your tests don’t depend on external services, maintaining fast and reliable tests.

By combining these techniques, you can effectively test Storage::temporaryUrl() and ensure your application’s functionality is well-verified.

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