The Common Struggle of Automation Testing: Programming Knowledge

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You’ve probably been thinking about exploring the field of automation testing for a long time. You even started working on it according to your thoughts. But when you started working, you got into trouble. This problem has been faced by more or less everyone, including me, you, and us. So let’s share some of my limited knowledge about this familiar problem with you.

As an automation tester, having a strong foundation in programming is very important. This strong foundation will help you design, write, and maintain automation scripts beautifully. You will need to know some Core Concepts of programming. These are:

1. Syntax and Familiarity with data types, variables, operators, and expressions.
2. Conditional statements (if-else).
3. Looping constructs (for, while).
4. Functions and Methods -Function Invocation, Parameters and Return Values, local and global scope
5. Arrays and Lists
6. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) — Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction
7. Exception handling mechanisms (try-catch/finally blocks/Custom Exception).

If you have a good understanding of these Core Concepts, you can write automation scripts using any programming language. If you want, you can also take ideas about Advanced Concepts.

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