TypeScript Adventures: Prop Drilling Down the Rabbit Hole

TypeScript Adventures: Prop Drilling Down the Rabbit Hole

Today we will describe how to effectively use Typescript with VueJS. I prefer modular code bases as they can follow some S.O.L.I.D principles: Single Responsibility, Open-Close Principle, and Interface (Type) Segregation. The task for to day is; Given a Vue-Router and associated routes, create an array of relevant properties for a MainNavigation component.

TLDR-Code example

The Code

Main Navigation – A presentation component which will house our top navigation bar. The navigation bar will have a hamburger menu that will toggle based on a media queries. Having a json file or a module can keep the associated data in a single location. As the project gets bigger, It can prevent duplication, improve maintainability (making source control history streamlined), and provides a single source of truth for navigation. We will add a bottom navigation page as well in the future.

Main Application – In the main application ./src/App.vue import and render the main navigation component.


Create ./src/router/routes.ts which will contain an array of routes. These routes can have metadata which can be anything. The data can be attached to events, analytics, to protect routes, or refresh data from backend(database). The possibilities are endless, but we will cover that in a later topic.

2.Take the scaffolded ./src/router/index.ts and break it into parts. Break the file into the following parts.

Refactoring/Stretch Goals

In the MainNavigation module located at src/components/navigation/main-navigation.vue the useModal store can be destructured by using the storeToRefs provided by piñia see docs.

Destructure route in RouterLink loop. This will clean up the syntax a bit and reduce the amount of code that is written. You can always destructure additional parameters as needed.

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