Understanding Tokens in Node.js and NestJS 🚀

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Hey there, fellow devs! 👋 Today, we’re diving into the world of tokens in Node.js and NestJS. Tokens are essential for securing our APIs and managing user sessions. Let’s break down the most common types: access tokens and refresh tokens. Let’s go! 🌟

Access Tokens 🔑

Access tokens are like your VIP pass đŸŽŸïž to the API. When you log in, the server gives you an access token, which you then use to access protected routes and resources.

Key Points:

Short-lived: Usually valid for a few minutes to an hour ⏳.

Stored in: Browser storage (like localStorage) or HTTP-only cookies đŸȘ.

Usage: Sent with each request (typically in the Authorization header as Bearer <token>).


// Example of using an access token in a request
fetch(https://api.example.com/protected, {
method: GET,
headers: {
Authorization: Bearer your-access-token-here
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));

Refresh Tokens 🔄

Refresh tokens are your backstage pass đŸŽ«. They let you get a new access token without re-authenticating. When your access token expires, use the refresh token to get a new one.

Key Points:

Long-lived: Valid for days, weeks, or even months 📆.

Stored in: HTTP-only cookies or secure storage on the server 🔒.

Usage: Sent to a specific endpoint to obtain a new access token.


// Example of using a refresh token to get a new access token
fetch(https://api.example.com/refresh-token, {
method: POST,
credentials: include // Ensure cookies are sent with the request
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
const newAccessToken = data.accessToken;
// Use the new access token as needed

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) 📜

Both access and refresh tokens are often implemented as JWTs. JWTs are compact, URL-safe tokens that contain a set of claims (user info, token validity, etc.) and are signed by the server.

Structure of a JWT:

Header: Contains the type of token and the signing algorithm.

Payload: Contains the claims (e.g., user ID, expiration time).

Signature: Verifies the token’s authenticity.

Example of a JWT:


Implementing Tokens in NestJS ⚙

NestJS, with its robust module system, makes it straightforward to implement token-based authentication. Here’s a quick overview of how you might set it up:

Step 1: Install Necessary Packages

npm install @nestjs/jwt @nestjs/passport passport passport-jwt

Step 2: Configure JWT Module

import { JwtModule } from @nestjs/jwt;

imports: [
secret: yourSecretKey, // Change to a strong secret key
signOptions: { expiresIn: 1h }, // Access token validity
export class AuthModule {}

Step 3: Create Auth Service

import { Injectable } from @nestjs/common;
import { JwtService } from @nestjs/jwt;

export class AuthService {
constructor(private readonly jwtService: JwtService) {}

async generateAccessToken(user: any) {
const payload = { username: user.username, sub: user.userId };
return this.jwtService.sign(payload);

async generateRefreshToken(user: any) {
const payload = { username: user.username, sub: user.userId };
return this.jwtService.sign(payload, { expiresIn: 7d }); // Refresh token validity

Step 4: Protect Routes with Guards

import { Injectable, ExecutionContext } from @nestjs/common;
import { AuthGuard } from @nestjs/passport;

export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard(jwt) {
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
// Add custom authentication logic here if needed
return super.canActivate(context);

// Apply the guard to your routes
export class ProtectedController {
getProtectedResource() {
return This is a protected resource!;

And there you have it! 🎉 You’re now ready to implement token-based authentication in your Node.js and NestJS applications. Whether you’re using access tokens for quick, ephemeral access or refresh tokens for long-term sessions, tokens keep your app secure and user-friendly.

Happy coding! đŸ’»âœš

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