Unleashing the Power đŸ’Ș of JavaScript: Embrace “use strict” đŸš«

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Introduction to “use strict”

What is “use strict”?

Definition: “use strict” is a directive introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5) to enforce a stricter parsing and error handling in your JavaScript code.

Purpose: It helps to catch common coding bloopers, prevents the use of unsafe actions, and makes JavaScript code more secure and robust.

How to Enable “use strict”?

Global Scope: Place “use strict”; at the top of your script.

use strict;
// Your code here

Function Scope: Place “use strict”; at the beginning of a function.

function myFunction() {
use strict;
// Your code here

Where to Use “use strict”

In Scripts

Use Case: When you want to ensure the entire script adheres to strict mode.

use strict;
// Your script code here

In Functions

Use Case: When integrating strict mode into existing code, applying it incrementally.

function example() {
use strict;
// Function code here

In Modules

Use Case: Modules in ES6 and beyond are in strict mode by default.

export function example() {
// This function is in strict mode automatically

Why Use “use strict”

Prevents Accidental Globals

Problem: Without strict mode, assigning a value to an undeclared variable automatically creates a global variable.

x = 10; // Implicitly creates a global variable

Solution: In strict mode, this throws an error.

use strict;
x = 10; // ReferenceError: x is not defined

Eliminates this Defaulting to Global

Problem: In non-strict mode, this inside functions refers to the global object (window in browsers) when not explicitly set.

function f() {
console.log(this); // window

Solution: In strict mode, this is undefined when not set.

use strict;
function f() {
console.log(this); // undefined

Prevents Duplicate Property Names

Problem: Non-strict mode allows duplicate property names in object literals.

var obj = {
p: 1,
p: 2
console.log(obj.p); // 2

Solution: In strict mode, duplicate property names throw an error.

use strict;
var obj = {
p: 1,
p: 2 // SyntaxError: Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed

Disallows Octal Syntax

Problem: Octal literals (e.g., 012) can cause confusion.

var num = 010; // 8 in non-strict mode

Solution: Strict mode disallows octal syntax.

use strict;
var num = 010; // SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode

Requires Variable Declarations

Problem: Using undeclared variables can lead to unpredictable behavior.

foo = bar; // Creates a global variable foo

Solution: Strict mode enforces variable declaration.

use strict;
foo = bar; // ReferenceError: foo is not defined

Secure JavaScript Code

Disallows with Statement: The with statement is forbidden in strict mode to prevent scope ambiguity.

use strict;
with (obj) { // SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not include a with statement
// code

Disallows Deleting Plain Names: Deleting variables or functions is not allowed.

use strict;
var x = 1;
delete x; // SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode

Simplifies eval()

Problem: eval() can create variables in the surrounding scope in non-strict mode.

eval(var x = 2;);
console.log(x); // 2

Solution: Strict mode confines eval() variables to the local scope.

use strict;
eval(var x = 2;);
console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined

Best Practices for Using “use strict”

Apply “use strict” Consistently

Tip: Use strict mode at the beginning of your scripts and functions to ensure all code runs under strict rules.

Linting Tools

Tip: Utilize tools like ESLint to automatically enforce strict mode and other coding standards.

Legacy Code Integration

Tip: When working with legacy code, apply strict mode incrementally to avoid breaking existing functionality.


“Use strict” is a powerful feature in JavaScript that enhances code quality and security. By enforcing stricter parsing and error handling, it helps developers write cleaner, more reliable, and maintainable code. Embrace “use strict” in your JavaScript projects to leverage these benefits and avoid common pitfalls.

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