Wahl in Nordmazedonien: Oppositionelle Siljanovska-Davkova gewinnt klar

Wahl in Nordmazedonien: Oppositionelle Siljanovska-Davkova gewinnt klar

Die proeuropäischen und prowestlichen Sozialdemokraten regieren seit 2017 in Nordmazedonien. Nun deutet sich ein Umschwung in der Wählerstimmung an. Die Kandidatin der größten Oppositionspartei, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, hat die erste Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl in Nordmazedonien klar für sich entschieden. Die 70-jährige Rechtsprofessorin, die von der nationalistischen VMRO-DPMNE unterstützt wird, kam nach Auszählung fast aller Wahllokale auf…

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Matthew Highton: Insufficient Memory Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Matthew Highton: Insufficient Memory Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Image Credits: Amazon Prime Video Matthew Highton: Insufficient Memory is a 2019 comedy special by popular British stand-up comedian and filmmaker Matthew Highton. He showcases his distinct comedic style and humor, delivering an irresistible energy that is bound to keep the viewers glued to their seats. Here’s how you can watch and stream Matthew Highton:…

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Air Crash Investigation Season 14 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Paramount Plus

Air Crash Investigation Season 14 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Paramount Plus

PC Credit: IMDb Air Crash Investigation Season 14 continues to delve into some of the most harrowing aviation disasters worldwide. The series focuses on the investigation of such cases to find out the root cause of the accident or crash. After getting a better understanding of what happened, the experts’ recommendations aimed at preventing similar incidents in…

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Jack Reacher Books in Order: Should I Read Reacher Books in Release or Chronological Order?

Jack Reacher Books in Order: Should I Read Reacher Books in Release or Chronological Order?

Figuring out the best order to read the Jack Reacher books can be tough. There are 48 stories featuring Reacher, counting novels, novellas, and short stories, and their release order differs from their chronological order. Either has its merits, and you can find a list of both below. What order should I read the Jack Reacher books in? There are…

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