WebAuthn and FIDO2: Modern Authentication Technologies

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WebAuthn is a technology that makes authentication processes on the web secure, user-friendly, and independent of passwords. Developed by the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance, this standard operates within the FIDO2 protocol framework and allows browsers to access security hardware. In this article, we will discuss how WebAuthn works, the concept of passkeys, and the devices that support WebAuthn and passkey usage.

WebAuthn and FIDO2
WebAuthn is part of the FIDO2 standards. FIDO2 includes a set of technologies that enable users to access online services securely and without passwords. FIDO2 consists of two main components: WebAuthn and CTAP (Client to Authenticator Protocol). WebAuthn manages authentication operations between browsers and web applications, while CTAP governs communication between devices and browsers.


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