Will Labour rebalance the country in favour of working people? I don’t think so | Sharon Graham

Will Labour rebalance the country in favour of working people? I don’t think so | Sharon Graham

I have watched as corporate lobbyists push to water down Labour’s pro-worker policies. We, the labour movement, must push back

Sharon Graham is the general secretary of Unite

Unite may be Labour’s biggest affiliate, but our job first and foremost is to defend workers. I make no apology for holding Labour’s feet to the fire on workers’ rights – no matter how uncomfortable it might make some or what criticism is laid at my door.

Of course I want a Labour government, but that doesn’t mean I will sit on the sidelines and applaud while it caves in to the business lobby and rows back on its commitments. The Labour leadership’s penchant for reneging on promises has been a theme of its time in opposition.

Sharon Graham is the general secretary of Unite

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