Winnetka hosts 97th annual Memorial Day celebration

Winnetka hosts 97th annual Memorial Day celebration

A quiet crowd gathered around the Village Green Cenotaph Memorial this Memorial Day as the names of Winnetka’s 94 honored dead were named aloud, over the distant hum of cicadas.

This year marked the 97th Annual Memorial Day Observance and Parade for the Village, with a 10 a.m. parade that stepped off from the corner of Glendale Avenue and Elm Streets, making its way east down Elm Street, directly followed by an observance ceremony on the Village Green.

Major Craig Muma and Sargent Grant Mallman participated in the 97th Annual Memorial Day Observance and Parade in Winnetka. (Gina Grillo/Pioneer Press)

The event honored those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend America’s freedom during all wars, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Conflict.

Master of Ceremonies and United States Army Veteran Captain Matt Schachman asked the question, “How do we live a life worthy of such sacrifice?”

Eagle Scout Troop 20, the Decoration of Memorial with Wreath Bearers of Winnetka, United States Military Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka and American Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka from Scout Troops 18 and 20 all participated in the 97th Annual Memorial Day Observance and Parade. (Gina Grillo/Pioneer Press)

“First we take time to honor the fallen, because those who served have given us the freedom to spend time with family and to enjoy the simple things like going to the beach or eating ice cream, because of the sacrifice they have made,” Schachman said.

The Memorial Day address was given by United States Air Force Reserve Major John B. Hoff who has hometown ties to Winnetka, as did his father, Colonel, Thomas Scott Hoff, who dedicated 32 years of service to the Active Reserves of the United States Air Force.

Visibly moved, Major Hoff, dedicated his speech to his father.

The Memorial Day address was given by Major John B. Hoff, United States Air Force Reserve who has hometown ties to Winnetka, as did his father, Colonel, Thomas Scott Hoff, who dedicated 32 years of service to the Active Reserves of the United States Air Force. (Gina Grillo/Pioneer Press)

“It was important for us to have Major Hoff address the crowd this year especially when he and his family have been so engrained in our community and so poignant to have him honor his father today,” Winnetka Park District Recreation Manager Toby Ross said.

The ceremony featured selections of patriotic music by the Bill Porter Band with soloist Maxwell Copans from North Shore Country Day School who sang the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and “America the Beautiful,” and with the “National Anthem,” sung by New Trier High School student Elijah Mladineo and a rendition of “God Bless America,” performed by the Sheridan Singers.

Eagle Scout Troop 20, the Decoration of Memorial with Wreath Bearers of Winnetka, United States Military Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka and American Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka from Scout Troops 18 and 20 all participated in the 97th Annual Memorial Day Observance and Parade. (Gina Grillo/Pioneer Press)

Program highlights also included the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Piper Ross, Eagle Scout, Troop 20; the Decoration of Memorial with Wreath Bearers of Winnetka; United States Military Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka and American Flag Honor Guard of Winnetka all from Scout Troops 18 and 20, and Salute by the New Trier VFW Post #4831, and taps.

Stephanie Degen of Winnetka attended Monday with family.

“(It’s) important for the kids to understand the meaning of the day, and to honor those who have served our country and to be grateful,” Degen said.

Twin brothers Nick and Evan Degen, both 5 years old from Winnetka, attend the village’s 97th Annual Memorial Day Observance and Parade. (Gina Grillo/Pioneer Press)

In closing remarks by Schachman he said, “on Memorial Day, at noon, our memory is raised as the flag is raised, by the living who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty.”

Gina Grillo is a freelance reporter with Pioneer Press.

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