100 Days of Code Week 4

100 Days of Code Week 4

Good news for Week 4, I have one project, which I’ve not had a look at yet, to close out the first of six Codecademy courses in the Full-Stack Engineer program.

The reason I’m posting late in the day is some of the assignments did not align with the lesson plan, leading me to make inaccurate guesstimates. My plan was “Business as Usual” to push through it, which basically worked, as assignments are now aligned with lesson plan.

Until I start coding the last project, other than Q&A and coding assessments, I’m not sure what’s between me and the kicking off the next course starting with JavaScript, which has been my longtime goal. I do feel pretty solid in my understanding and abilities.

One big point about Codecademy’s program is that its’ top down learning style, resulting in regular moments of unknown territory being introduced. It’s fun, because I get to explore, and it’s never boring. On the other hand, I’m finding that it would improve my progress to expedite my explorations and focus more on moving through the lesson plans.

That wraps up my review and prospects for Week 4. My VS Code CodeTime has a beautiful dashboard, but the stats don’t take into account that most of my Codecademy learning happens in the browser rather than in VS Code. My suspicion is that as we learn more JavaScript, React, … that I’ll be working more in VS Code, but we’ll see.

Cross posted: Dev.to https://dev.to/jacobsternx and LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobsternx

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