RMAG news

A Comprehensive Guide to Learning React.js

React.js, developed and maintained by Facebook, has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications (SPAs). Known for its flexibility, efficiency, and ease of use, React has a large community and a wealth of resources for developers at all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer…

🎵 Desplegando infraestructura en AWS desde Backstage 🎵

🎵 Desplegando infraestructura en AWS desde Backstage 🎵

👋¡Estamos de vuelta! 👋 Después de algún otro tiempo desaparecidos y alguna que otra certificación en el bolsillo y algún que otro proyecto nuevo en mente. ¡Vamos a darle caña! 🚀 ¿Cuántas veces hemos discutido sobre si la infraestructura debería gestionarse por un lado y la aplicación por otro, si todo en el mismo sitio,…

RMAG news

Validações com FluenValidation

No desenvolvimento de software, validar os objetos de entrada é essencial para garantir a integridade dos dados e detectar problemas desde as fases iniciais. Nesse cenário, o FluentValidator se destaca como uma biblioteca amplamente utilizada para realizar a validação de modelos de forma eficiente e estruturada. Neste exemplo, construiremos uma API em .NET 8 com a…

RMAG news

14 Must-Know LEETCODE Patterns for Success!

Mastering coding interviews is crucial for landing a job in tech. One of the best ways to prepare is by identifying and practicing common problem patterns that appear repeatedly on LeetCode. Understanding these patterns not only helps in solving specific problems but also builds a strong foundation for tackling new challenges. Here’s a breakdown of…

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React NATIVE startup issue

node:events:492 throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event ^ Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat ‘D:BackupReactNativeCLIreactnativeguessgameandroidappbuildintermediatesdesugar_graphdebugoutcurrentProjectdirs_bucket_2graph.bin’ Emitted ‘error’ event on NodeWatcher instance at: at D:BackupReactNativeCLIreactnativeguessgamenode_modulesmetronode_modulesjest-haste-mapbuildwatchersNodeWatcher.js:275:14 at callback (D:BackupReactNativeCLIreactnativeguessgamenode_modulesgraceful-fspolyfills.js:306:20) at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:199:21) { errno: -4048, code: ‘EPERM’, syscall: ‘lstat’, path: ‘D:BackupReactNativeCLIreactnativeguessgameandroidappbuildintermediatesdesugar_graphdebugoutcurrentProjectdirs_bucket_2graph.bin’ } Node.js v20.10.0

AI-Driven Test Log Analysis & Reporting for Extracting Test Insights

AI-Driven Test Log Analysis & Reporting for Extracting Test Insights

As your tech stack expands, the influx of machine data, particularly in the form of distributed log data, becomes overwhelming. Machine data, growing 50 times faster than traditional business data, includes logs documenting events across systems, networks, and applications. The sheer volume and diversity of logs can be daunting. Having said that, log data holds…

RMAG news

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #160: Explica este código Python

Explica este código Python Dificultad: Intermedio a = [2, 5, 3, 4] a[2:2] = [2] print(a) A. [2, 5, 2, 3, 4] B. [2, 5, 2, 4] C. [2, 5, 3, 2, 4] D. Error Respuesta: 👉 A. [2, 5, 2, 3, 4] Cuando hacemos slicing de listas y el valor de inicio es igual…

RMAG news

Array methods in javascript.

There are some methods in array 1.push() 2.unshift() 3.pop() 4.shift() 5.splice() 6.slice() 7.indexOf() 8.includes() 9.forEach() 10.map() 11.filter() 12.find() 13.some() 14.every() 15.concat() 16.join() 17.sort() 18.reduce() 1 Push() method *Add new element at last position. syntax array.push(element1, element2, …, elementN) Example let fruits = [‘apple’, ‘banana’]; let newLength = fruits.push(‘orange’, ‘mango’); console.log(fruits); // Output: [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’,…

RMAG news

How to Efficiently Process References in MongoDB with Mongoose

Managing references in a MongoDB database has been challenging, especially when dealing with related documents and ensuring atomic updates. In this post, we’ll explore how I created a robust function that processes references in a document using Mongoose, handling both updates and inserts (upserts) efficiently. We’ll be using Mongoose’s bulkWrite operation to perform multiple updates…

RMAG news

Issue with Vue Router Query Parameters Not Appearing in URL

Hello all, I’m experiencing an issue with my Vue application where query parameters are not appearing in the URL as expected when navigating to a new route. I’m using Vue 3 with Vue Router, and here are the details of my setup: Issue: When I submit a form to search for jobs, I expect the…

Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Common Productivity Challenges

Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Common Productivity Challenges

During a recent conversation with a friend, she opened up about her daily struggles with productivity. As she described her challenges, I realized with a profound sense of relief that I could relate to every single issue she faced. This shared experience underscored a comforting truth: I’m not alone in my struggles, and neither is…

Hosting a Custom Login and Registration UI with AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito

Hosting a Custom Login and Registration UI with AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito

We will walk through the steps to adopt a custom login and registration user interface (UI) using AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito. AWS Amplify is a powerful tool that provides simplified framework for developing and running cloud-powered applications, while AWS Cognito provides secure authentication with user management. By the end of this guide, you will…

Secure Your Website with SafeLine: A Free and Easy-to-Use WAF

Secure Your Website with SafeLine: A Free and Easy-to-Use WAF

If you’ve ever set up your own website, you know how vulnerable it can be to attacks. Today, I’m introducing a simple, free, and effective tool to help protect your site—a Web Application Firewall (WAF) called SafeLine. What is a WAF? WAF stands for Web Application Firewall. Unlike traditional firewalls, WAF operates at the application…

How to Restore SQL Server Database from Backup?

How to Restore SQL Server Database from Backup?

Database backups in SQL Server are important as they help restore data in case of database corruption, virus attack, server issue, or any disaster. For example, if a virus damages the database, you can use the last created backup to restore the database. In this article, we will see how to restore SQL Server database…

RMAG news

Examples of Implementing Mobile App Push Services in Java, Python, and PHP

In today’s digital world, mobile app push services have become a crucial bridge connecting users and applications. This article delves into how to integrate these services in Java, Python, and PHP, providing specific code examples to demonstrate their implementation. For more detailed information on mobile app push services, please visit this link. What Are the…

Decoding Apple Maps Guide URLs

Decoding Apple Maps Guide URLs

Revisiting the noted release of beta dot maps dot apple dot com just now, I found my way back to back to a “mystery” I deserted some years ago[^1] when “Guides” were first added to Apple Maps. You can see the result inputted into the ChatGPT conversation pasted below of using the share sheet on…

RMAG news

Typora Marked 2 “Support”

Despite the beautiful myriad of text editors available for macOS, I’ve still found myself using Typora on my old machine. When I recently (read: ridiculously late) discovered that Brett Terpstra’s venerable Marked 2 can be schemed (sortof) with x-marked://, it immediately occurred to me that I could use a custom Typora Export preset to add…

Mastering DevOps Branching: Your Ultimate Guide to Git Flow, Trunk, Tag-Based, and Hybrid Strategies

Mastering DevOps Branching: Your Ultimate Guide to Git Flow, Trunk, Tag-Based, and Hybrid Strategies

This guide explores popular Git branching strategies for DevOps environments, focusing on Git Flow, Trunk-Based Development (TDD), Tag-Based, and Hybrid approaches. We’ll compare their strengths and weaknesses, highlight challenges they address, and discuss their suitability for web applications and ETL processes / applications. Branching Strategies: Git Flow: Workflow: Separate branches for development (develop), feature development…

RMAG news

El Principio Abierto/Cerrado: Flexibilidad sin romper nada

El otro día estaba en una reunión de “retrospectiva” con mi equipo de desarrollo. Ya sabes, esas reuniones donde analizamos qué ha ido bien, qué ha ido mal y cómo podemos mejorar. En medio de la discusión, María, una desarrolladora, soltó una frase que me dejó pensando: “Chicos, cada vez que añadimos una nueva funcionalidad,…

RMAG news

The Creation of Rooh London: Journey, Challenges, and Future Goals

Rooh London represents a fusion of elegance and functionality, designed to offer a seamless shopping experience for discerning customers. Our website is more than just an online store; it’s a reflection of our commitment to quality and our passion for craftsmanship. This article delves into the development process of the Rooh London website, the challenges…

RMAG news

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

Introduction Although it may sound complicated, exploratory data analysis, EDA, is only a fancy way of saying get to know your data. Imagine it as a first date with your dataset, where you are attempting to learn about it, exploring, and asking questions. Before delving deeper into analysis, this technique helps you uncover patterns, identify…

RMAG news

Introduction to Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs)

When working with databases in software development, you often need to store, retrieve, update, and delete data. Traditionally, this involves writing SQL queries, which can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in complex applications. Object-Relational Mappers, or ORMs, provide a solution to this by simplifying how you interact with databases. In this article, we’ll explore what…

RMAG news

Unlocking the Power of Semantic Caching: How This AI Tool Can Boost Your Application’s Performance

In the competitive landscape of AI-driven applications, speed, efficiency, and accuracy are crucial. As more businesses integrate artificial intelligence into their products, optimizing these systems becomes essential. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using semantic caching—a powerful AI tool that can significantly enhance your application’s performance. If you’re looking to…

How MySQL Tuning Can Improve PrestaShop Performance

How MySQL Tuning Can Improve PrestaShop Performance

PrestaShop is a specialized, free, and open-source e-commerce platform developed in PHP, aimed at providing businesses, from startups to large enterprises, with the infrastructure to launch, manage, and scale their online stores. Offering a rich selection of customizable themes and a comprehensive suite of e-commerce features, PrestaShop supports a wide array of functionalities, such as…

Flax Engine. Exploring game engine & analyzing its source code

Flax Engine. Exploring game engine & analyzing its source code

“It’s like Unreal and Unity had a baby,” as the GameDev community has affectionately described the engine. Not only is that a cute way to describe the engine, but it’s also quite spot-on. It’s designed to be a “golden mean” between Unity and Unreal Engine. Intro Hello, dear readers! I’d like to introduce you to…

RMAG news

let, const , var difference in Javascript?

In JavaScript, let, const, and var are used to declare variables, but they are different in three ways: 1. Scope 2. Reassignment 3. Hoisting 1.Scope: var is a functional scope means we access var variable anywhere within the function if we try access it outside function it will show error undefined Example:- function demo(){ if(true){…

RMAG news

Introduction to AutoMapper in C#

When building applications, especially those that handle data from different sources, you often find yourself copying values from one object to another. This process can be repetitive and error-prone, but there’s a solution that can save you time and make your code cleaner: AutoMapper. In this article, we’ll dive into what AutoMapper is, when and…