RMAG news

15 Must-Know Javascript array methods

Arrays are an essential part of any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. With arrays, developers can store and manipulate collections of data, including strings, numbers, and even objects. In this article, we will cover 15 must-know JavaScript array methods that everyone should know. push() – Adds one or more elements to the end…

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Bridging the Gap: Basic Design Principles for Developers

Bridging the Gap: Basic Design Principles for Developers

Developers typically focus on the coding and development aspects of a project. Clarity in roles is essential, with designers handling tasks from theme selection to UI design, passing the completed work to developers for implementation. While this workflow has its advantages, it’s crucial for developers to grasp basic design principles. Personally, I’ve experienced both approaches…

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RMAG news

What was your win this week?

I’ve begun going through the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs book and the related Berkeley CS61A lectures. For the first time I’m starting to understand what functionnal programming is! This paradigm had always been a bit opaque for me and I never went beyond the usual definitions which didn’t make a lot of sense….

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RMAG news

Mastering GitHub: Cheatsheets, Commands, and Interview Prep

GitHub has become an essential tool for developers worldwide, enabling seamless collaboration, version control, and code management. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, mastering GitHub can give you a significant edge in your career. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore GitHub cheatsheets, command descriptions, and provide a curated list of interview questions…

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Why can e be used in the tab of input type=number?

Why can e be used in the tab of input type=number?

Origin:http://blog.kueiapp.com/programming-tw/為何-e-可以輸入-input-typenumber-的標籤中/ When learning HTML, I believe you will have a confusion. Obviously, the type is specified as a number in the input tag, but why the “character ‘e’” can still be input? How strange! <input type=”number” value=”123″ /> Meaning of e Multiply by 10 to the Nth power The main reason for this is that…

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RMAG news

Logging Tips for Frontend

This article is a translation from the original post: https://toss.tech/article/engineering-note-5 As you develop a product, sometimes you need to know how users use it. For this, we refer to logged data. You can analyze the user’s behavior with the data collected through logging, check the results of the A/B test, or debug it in an…

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Using Custom React hooks in NextJS?

Using Custom React hooks in NextJS?

Before we start… What are Custom React Hooks Exactly? At the heart of custom hooks lies the concept of reusability. You can encapsulate complex logic involving built-in React hooks (like useState and useEffect) into a custom hook function. This function can then be imported and used by multiple components, promoting code cleanliness and reducing redundancy….

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