20 prompts, collection of prompts to increase work efficiency

20 prompts, collection of prompts to increase work efficiency

Our work environment is rapidly changing due to the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. In particular, with the advent of generative AI, many companies are actively introducing AI to increase work efficiency. In this trend, the ability to effectively utilize AI is becoming a competitive advantage for individuals and companies. In this article, we will introduce 20 prompts that can help you maximize your work efficiency.


Importance of Prompts and Basic Principles

A prompt is a type of command that gives instructions to AI. With the right prompts, you can get the results you want from AI, which in turn will improve your work efficiency. To write effective prompts, you need to know the following basic principles:

Provide specific and clear instructions.
Give AI a clear role to play.
Include the goal and context of your request.
Add examples and constraints if necessary.
Complex problems are approached in several steps.

Prompts written based on these principles can maximize AI’s performance and, as a result, significantly improve users’ work efficiency.


20 prompts to increase work efficiency

Here are 20 prompts you can use in a variety of work situations. Each prompt is optimized for a specific work area and can be modified to suit your needs.

1. Meeting summary and action item extraction

“You are a professional meeting recorder. Please provide a concise summary of the meeting I provide, extracting key decisions and action items. Please specify a person in charge and a due date for each action item. Also, include a list of meeting attendees and the meeting date and time. , please include the location, add a brief description of the main topics discussed, and separately record any matters that require future follow-up. Lastly, please suggest the schedule and main agenda for the next meeting.”

2. Draft your email

“You are an experienced business communications professional. Please draft a professional, concise email that matches [description of situation]. It should clearly convey the purpose of the email, its main content, and the desired action. It should also include an appropriate salutation and closing statement. If necessary, please mention attachments or links. Please keep the body of the email concise and include all necessary information. Finally, please add your contact information in the email signature by dividing it into paragraphs appropriately.

3. Data analysis and insight derivation

“You are a data analyst. Analyze the provided [dataset] and derive key trends and insights. Visualize and present the analysis results, and include actionable suggestions that can help in business decision-making.” Please assess quality and reliability, briefly explain the analysis methodology used, identify correlations between key variables, interpret the meaning of any outliers or outliers, and explain the business impact of patterns found in the data. Please explain and provide insights that can help establish mid- to long-term strategies.”

4. Develop a project plan

“You are the project manager. Please develop a detailed project plan that takes into account [project objectives and constraints]. It should include key milestones, required resources, potential risks and their responses. Clearly define the scope and goals of the project. Please create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and create a Gantt chart with the estimated time required and dependencies for each task, as well as the project team composition, communication plan, and quality control plan. Please establish a plan and resource allocation plan, and present a strategy for managing key stakeholders.”

5. Develop a marketing strategy

“You are a digital marketing strategist. Please establish a marketing strategy for [product/service information and target customers]. You must present an integrated approach that considers various channels such as social media, content marketing, and email marketing. Target customers Create a persona, develop a marketing strategy at each point of contact through a customer journey map, derive points of differentiation through competitor analysis, set KPIs, suggest performance measurement measures, and allocate a budget. Please also consider seasonal campaign plans, cross-channel strategies, and long-term brand building.”

6. Create a customer inquiry response script

“You are a customer service professional. Please write a response script for [common customer inquiries about your product/service]. It should maintain a friendly and professional tone while suggesting an effective way to resolve the customer’s issue. “Use language that understands and empathizes with customers, provides additional support or escalation procedures if necessary, and considers ways to collect customer feedback and use it to improve service.”

7. Write product documentation

“You are a technical writer. Please write user-friendly product documentation for [product specifications and key features]. Include installation instructions, basic usage, troubleshooting guides, and suggest inserting diagrams or images if necessary. Additionally, , Please explain in detail the precautions and maintenance methods for safe use of the product, taking into account the experience level of the user and writing in language that even beginners can easily understand, but also provide additional information for advanced users in a separate section.”

8. Financial report analysis

“You are a financial analyst. Analyze the provided [financial statements] and provide insights into the company’s financial health, profitability, and growth potential. Calculate key financial ratios and compare them to industry averages. Additionally, recent “Describe changes in your company’s financial health by identifying trends over several years and, if possible, use visualization tools to graph changes in key financial indicators.”

9. Review of legal documents

“You are a legal expert. Please review the [draft contract] provided, identify any potential legal risks or unfavorable provisions. Please make specific revision suggestions for areas that need improvement. Balance the rights and obligations between the parties to the contract. Please check whether there is a conflict with current laws and regulations, clarify any clauses that are ambiguous or open to interpretation, and suggest the insertion of additional protection provisions or disclaimers if necessary.”

10. Plan your social media content

“You are a social media manager. Create a social media content plan for the next month, taking into account [your brand information and target audience]. It should include content ideas, posting schedules, and hashtag strategies that take into account the characteristics of each platform. Additionally, Please also suggest special campaign ideas that reflect seasonal events or major anniversaries, including interactive content and real-time live broadcast plans that can encourage user participation, and set KPIs to measure the performance of each content.”

11. Analyzing customer feedback to improve products

“You are a customer experience analyst. Thoroughly analyze [collected customer feedback data] and derive actionable insights for key improvements to your product or service and increased customer satisfaction. Positive and negative feedback. Please clearly categorize and prioritize each feedback considering its importance and urgency. Also, identify patterns and trends in feedback and suggest long-term improvement strategies.”

12. Create a job posting

“You are an experienced HR professional. Please write an attractive and persuasive job posting that perfectly matches [job description and requirements], detailing the company’s unique culture and values, potential growth opportunities, and competitive benefits. “To maximize the interest of potential applicants, clearly explain how the position contributes to the company’s mission and vision and provide a detailed profile of the ideal candidate.”

13. Write a competitor analysis report

“You are a market research expert with excellent insight. Please write a comprehensive and in-depth competitor analysis report based on [detailed information about our company and its major competitors]. Thoroughly examine each company’s strengths, weaknesses, market share, and key strategies. Please conduct a comparative analysis and include specific, actionable suggestions to strengthen our company’s competitiveness in light of changes in market trends and customer needs, as well as forecasts for each competitor’s recent innovations and expected future strategic moves.”

14. Organization of presentation slides

“You are an expert in creative and strategic presentation design. Please provide a detailed plan of effective and impressive presentation slides that perfectly fit [the presentation topic and key message]. Include the main content of each slide, how the data is visualized, and the overall story flow. Please also suggest design elements and transition effects that will focus the audience’s attention and convey the message effectively. Also, consider composing auxiliary slides for the presenter’s notes and Q&A session.”

15. Optimize work processes

“You are a business efficiency consultant with innovative ideas. Based on [detailed description of current work process], please comprehensively suggest optimization measures that can dramatically increase efficiency. Eliminate unnecessary steps, identify parts that can be automated, and resolve bottlenecks. Please include a specific implementation plan and the expected effects of each proposal in quantifiable terms. Also, please suggest a change management strategy to minimize employee resistance and quickly adapt to the new process.”

16. Brainstorming new product ideas

“You are an innovation expert. Please suggest 10 innovative new product ideas that our company can develop, taking into account [current market trends and customer needs]. Please provide a brief description of each idea and its potential marketability. The ideas must be realized. Ideas should balance feasibility and originality, and include solutions to problems currently unsolved in the market, while also explaining how each idea can work synergistically with our existing product lines.”

17. Develop a crisis management plan

“You are a crisis management expert. Please develop a comprehensive crisis management plan that takes into account [our company’s industry and size]. It should include identification of potential crisis situations, response protocols, communication strategies, and recovery plans. Additionally, crisis situations Please also include designation of specific responsible personnel, crisis response training plans, and post-crisis evaluation and improvement processes, especially for responding to new types of crises in the digital age (e.g. cyber attacks, social media crises, etc.).

18. Develop performance evaluation criteria

“You are a personnel evaluation expert. Please develop objective and fair performance evaluation standards for [specific job]. Include quantitative and qualitative indicators in a balanced manner, and also suggest evaluation methods and cycles. Also, how to utilize the evaluation results. Please also explain how the evaluation criteria are linked to the organization’s strategic goals (e.g. compensation, promotion, education and training linkage, etc.), feedback provision method, and evaluator training program.

19. Preparation of environmental impact assessment report

“You are an environmental consultant. Please prepare an environmental impact assessment report for [a specific project or business plan]. It should include potential environmental impacts, risk mitigation measures, and suggestions for improving sustainability. It should also include each phase of the project ( Please provide a detailed analysis of the environmental impacts (planning, implementation, operation, disposal) and include a process for gathering input from the community and stakeholders, as well as suggestions for how the results of the environmental impact assessment can be balanced with the economics of the project. Please do it.”

20. Establish AI introduction strategy

“You are an AI strategy consultant. Please establish an AI adoption strategy considering [our company’s industry and current digital maturity]. Business areas where AI can be applied first, required infrastructure, talent acquisition plan, expected ROI, etc. Also, please include ways to manage changes in organizational culture due to the introduction of AI, ethical considerations, and ways to establish a data governance system, as well as how the introduction of AI can contribute to improving customer experience and increasing work efficiency. Please explain in detail what differentiated value can be created.”

More prompts can be found here.


Advantages and precautions of using AI prompts

Using AI prompts effectively can help you:

Speed ​​up work processing
Promote creative ideation
Data-based decision support
Automation of repetitive tasks
Analysis from various perspectives possible

However, you should keep the following precautions in mind when using AI prompts:

Rather than blindly trusting AI’s answers, verification is always necessary.
Be careful not to enter sensitive personal or confidential information.
We must be aware of the limitations of AI and keep ethical use in mind.
We must remember that AI is only an auxiliary tool, and the final decision rests with humans.


In conclusion

Advances in AI technology are fundamentally changing the way we work. Effective use of prompts is at the heart of this change and is a powerful tool that can dramatically improve individual and organizational productivity. The 20 prompts introduced in this text will serve as a starting point for use in a variety of work situations.

However, AI is not omnipotent and cannot replace human creativity, emotion, and ethical judgment. Effective use of AI requires continuous learning, experimentation, and critical thinking. In the future, AI technology will develop further, and the importance of prompt engineering will increase accordingly.

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