4 Essential UI Design Tips That Will Transform Your Interfaces

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Starting from scratch

Starting a new design completely from the ground up can be a challenging task, if you don’t have the complete requirements or haven’t decided on the features that your product will have.

Figure out the main components of your product first and then get to designing. If you spend time designing a cool navigation component but later found that the product doesn’t need a navigation component then your effort will be wasted.

You can always use that component in another design but you designed something that wasn’t needed and this can be quite a blunder when your working with tight deadlines.

Focusing on the main features and components will help you save time and also get your work done faster.

Using a Design System

If you have a pre-defined color scheme or a design system that you will use for the aesthetics of your design then start using it from the beginning so that you can incorporate it into your design easily.

If not, don’t stress over it. Start your design with black and white colors and then add colors and accents at the end so that you don’t waste time experimenting with colors while your design isn’t even finished.

Creating designs in monotone or gray scale will allow you to experiment with spacing, contrast and size of the design and you’ll end up with a cleaner design that you can add color to whenever you want.

Ship whats neccessary

There are a ton of features that you can add in your product whether you want to include them or not.

In the start, add only the necessary and core components and then listen to the user feedback about which features they need and how they need it in your product and then design them and add them.

Doing so will make your product lean and will make the user happy as well as you’re only shipping the features that they need and not unnecessary features that will make users want to leave your product.

Design Accordingly

The vibe of your designs should be according to the main user demographic. If you’re making a corporate or finance product then the vibe should be more professional looking with simple colors and fonts and to the point components that make the design look inline with the company or business.

On the other hand, a product for a startup or a product that focuses on the youth will have a totally different vibe to it. It will have wild design, large-size typography, animations, fun-little interactions, and other interactive elements that catch the attention of the viewer.

Which of these tips resonated with you the most? Share your thoughts in the comments and let me know how you plan to apply it in your next UI design project. Don’t forget to like and share if you found this helpful!

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