5 Top Github READMEs

5 Top Github READMEs

This Blog Post will be about mainly 5 Profile READMEs that I think really stand out

Here They Are

Number 5: Anmol Barnawal

Image description

He has a lot of stuff on his GitHub Profile. However what makes it cool is the fact that he has a Table for his Github Stats and A Snake Eating His Contribution Graph
(I Highly don’t recommend using that.), He also has a Table of his most Popular Dev.to Blogs, His Skills, Gifs, A short Bio and, A Banner.

Number 4: Praduma Saraf

His Github Profile is Way Shorter that Anmol’s but He does have A Achievements Tab, His Latest Hashnode Blog Post, A Twitter Badge, Short Bio, and Banner.

Number 3: Rishi Chitnis

My Friend Rishi Has a Really Cool Github Profile README, It Updates with his Github Profile Stats.

Number 2: Francesco Ciulla

Francesco’s Github Profile is pretty short, However he has a Table of his Latest Youtube and Dev.to Blog Posts, and His Devcard.

Number 1: Eddie Jaoude

Eddie’s Github Profile has his Twitter Testominals, His Latest Youtube Videos, A Twitter, Youtube and Discord Badge, A Table with His Awards and a Banner.

Well Thats all 5 of them

See You Next Time,


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