50 basic Linux commands

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Certainly! Here are 50 basic Linux commands that are useful for navigating and managing your system:

pwd – Print working directory.

ls – List directory contents.

cd – Change directory.

touch – Create a new empty file.

cat – Concatenate and display file content.

cp – Copy files or directories.

mv – Move or rename files or directories.

rm – Remove files or directories.

mkdir – Create a new directory.

rmdir – Remove an empty directory.

echo – Display a line of text or a variable value.

nano – A simple text editor.

vi – A powerful text editor.

chmod – Change file or directory permissions.

chown – Change file or directory owner and group.

find – Search for files in a directory hierarchy.

grep – Search text using patterns.

man – Display the manual for a command.

ps – Display information about running processes.

kill – Terminate processes by PID.

top – Display and update sorted information about processes.

df – Report file system disk space usage.

du – Estimate file space usage.

free – Display memory usage.

uname – Print system information.

uptime – Tell how long the system has been running.

whoami – Display the current user.

sudo – Execute a command as another user, typically the superuser.

apt-get – Package handling utility for Debian-based distributions.

yum – Package manager for RPM-based distributions.

tar – Archive files.

zip – Package and compress (archive) files.

unzip – Extract compressed files.

wget – Retrieve files from the web.

curl – Transfer data from or to a server.

ssh – OpenSSH client (remote login program).

scp – Secure copy (remote file copy program).

rsync – Remote file and directory synchronization.

hostname – Show or set the system’s host name.

ping – Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.

netstat – Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.

ifconfig – Configure a network interface.

ip – Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.

iptables – Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT.

systemctl – Control the systemd system and service manager.

journalctl – Query and display messages from the journal.

crontab – Schedule periodic background jobs.

df – Report file system disk space usage.

mount – Mount a file system.

umount – Unmount a file system.

These commands form the basis of interacting with a Linux system and performing various administrative tasks.


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