Guvernul oferă 750 de lei pentru achiziția repartitoarelor de căldură și amână data limită pentru montarea dispozitivelor

Guvernul oferă 750 de lei pentru achiziția repartitoarelor de căldură și amână data limită pentru montarea dispozitivelor

Guvernul a amânat data limită până la care se pot obține compensări ale costului de achiziție și montare a repartitoarelor de căldură. Care este data limită până la care guvernul decontează montarea repartitoarelor de căldură Potrivit unui proiect de ordonanță emis de Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene, noul termen este de 31 august 2024. Inițial,…

La historia de alianzas rima, y con ella, la economía

La historia de alianzas rima, y con ella, la economía

Hace más de dos años, hablaba sobre la interacción entre geopolítica y economía. Más que una mera influencia, argumentaba que la economía se veía completamente subyugada por la geopolítica en contextos como los actuales. En aquel entonces, analizaba las posibles implicaciones inflacionarias de eventos como una, entonces, hipotética invasión rusa en Ucrania. Si bien reconocía…

Ca-n filmele de acțiune! O femeie a furat arma unui polițist și a împușcat 3 oameni. Totul în timp ce era încătușată VIDEO

Ca-n filmele de acțiune! O femeie a furat arma unui polițist și a împușcat 3 oameni. Totul în timp ce era încătușată VIDEO

O femeie din Chile a împușcat și rănit grav trei oameni, în plină stradă, după ce a furat pistolul unui polițist care încerca să o încătușeze. Incidentul a avut loc într-o piața aglomerată din Santiago și a fost surprins de o echipă de televiziune locală care transmitea în direct. Pe imagini se vede cum polițistul…

RMAG news

Animal Well speedrunners are already beating the game in under five minutes

Animal Well is one of the hottest games around. It quickly shot to the top of Steam’s top-seller chart after it was released to glowing reviews last Thursday.  While most players complete the main story in four to six hours, it hasn’t taken long for speedrunners to figure out how to blaze through solo developer…

Rmag Breaking News

Massive Schäden! Sofortreparatur sorgt für Sperrungen auf Autobahn in Hamburg

Autofahrer aufgepasst! Hamburg ist im festen Griff der Baustellen: Neben den angekündigten Sperrungen der A7 am Wochenende ist nun eine Sofortreparatur der A1 am Freitag wegen massiver Fahrbahnschäden auf Höhe Stillhorn notwendig. Die bitteren Folgen: Teile der Autobahn in Richtung Süden müssen gesperrt werden. Die A1 wird am 5. April zur Nervenprobe. Von 3 Uhr…

Sing Street (2016) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Sing Street (2016) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Credit: Netflix Sing Street (2016) is a musical comedy film premiered on January 24, 2016. The film revolves around Conor, a young boy who struggles with many challenges. He starts a band to impress Raphina, a captivating and mysterious girl. John Carney directed and co-wrote the film with Simon Carmody.   Here’s how you can watch and…

Editorial: Three years after brazen killing of a National Guard member on Chicago’s Northwest Side, the feds step in to pursue justice

Editorial: Three years after brazen killing of a National Guard member on Chicago’s Northwest Side, the feds step in to pursue justice

Two reputed leaders of the Milwaukee Kings street gang were indicted last month on charges of shooting and killing 19-year-old National Guard member Chrys Carvajal in Belmont Cragin on July 3, 2021. The indictment was unsealed last week. That Gary “Gotti” Roberson, 40, and Joseph “Troubles” Matos, 41, will stand trial for the brutal, nonsensical slaying…

Energia nucleare, Urso “Spero di annunciare Newco per nuovi reattori”

Energia nucleare, Urso “Spero di annunciare Newco per nuovi reattori”

Il Quotidiano del Sud Energia nucleare, Urso “Spero di annunciare Newco per nuovi reattori” MILANO (ITALPRESS) – “Tutte le imprese ci dicono che il problema è il costo dell’energia e il modo per sostenere i costi è realizzare, insieme alle energie rinnovabili, una produzione di energia nucleare utilizzando la nuova tecnologia del nucleare di terza…

Ex-high ranking EC cop enters federal plea deal for dealing cocaine

Ex-high ranking EC cop enters federal plea deal for dealing cocaine

A retired East Chicago Police Commander entered a federal plea deal Tuesday for dealing cocaine while on duty in 2021. Louis Arcuri, Jr., 55, admitted on April 23 to distribution of a quantity of cocaine in the U.S. District Court in Hammond. His sentencing is expected Aug. 29 before U.S. District Judge Gretchen Lund. Court…

Arc’teryx’s new powered pants could make hikers feel 30 pounds lighter

Arc’teryx’s new powered pants could make hikers feel 30 pounds lighter

Arc’teryx’s new powered MO/GO pants claim to boost leg strength by up to 40 percent. | Image: Arc’teryx Strength-boosting exoskeleton suits can help make jobs with physical labor feel less strenuous, but Arc’teryx has partnered with Skip, a spin-off of Google’s X Labs, to bring the technology to leisure time. The powered MO/GO pants feature…

Animation in SVG

Animation in SVG

SVG (Scalable Vector graphics) is a versatile tool that allows us to create graphics with scalable vector shapes, such as lines and circles. The best part? These graphics can be scaled down to infinitesimal sizes without any loss of resolution! But wait, there’s more — we can even add animation to our SVG without needing…

Ghost Brothers: Lights Out (2021) Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via HBO Max

Ghost Brothers: Lights Out (2021) Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via HBO Max

Image credits: Max Ghost Brothers: Lights Out (2021) Season 1 introduces the extraordinary brothers who ace the game of paranormal hunting. They travel across the United States in search of the most haunted places, where they can discover paranormal sightings. They uncover the mysteries surrounding these places, which have tormented individuals for years. Here’s how…

MEET48 “2024 GIPR2” Voting Event Final Results on August 3rd, Ranking Top on DappBay and DappRadar

MEET48 “2024 GIPR2” Voting Event Final Results on August 3rd, Ranking Top on DappBay and DappRadar

[PRESS RELEASE – Singapore, Singapore, July 26th, 2024] Recently, the “2024 GIPR2” voting event Dapp of MEET48, a metaverse virtual community based on an AI and WEB3.0 diversified UGC entertainment content ecosystem, has rapidly risen in the rankings on DappBay and DappRadar, attracting widespread attention. The MEET48 “2024 GIPR2” voting event ( is divided into…

RMAG news

Teenies rasen im Cabrio in den Graben: Beifahrer in Lebensgefahr

Vier Menschen im Alter von 15 bis 18 Jahren sind bei Wittmund in Niedersachsen mit einem Cabrio von der Straße abgekommen und zum Teil schwer verletzt worden. Der 16-jährige Beifahrer schwebe in Lebensgefahr, sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei am Mittwochmorgen. Der 18 Jahre alte Fahrer kam mit schweren Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus. Die beiden anderen…

J.B. Pritzker, et al.: Clean water is our moonshot moment for Midwest climate leadership

J.B. Pritzker, et al.: Clean water is our moonshot moment for Midwest climate leadership

Clean water has unlocked health and wealth since the beginning of time, and now it is in peril. As the risks posed by a warming planet accelerate and the world’s population grows, the need for clean water and better ways to manage it intensifies.   One-fifth of the planet’s surface freshwater sits in our Great Lakes….

RMAG news

A month of using Vim

I’ve wanted to dedicate time to learning Vim for probably a decade now. When I was just getting started as a junior developer, I remember thinking that the people who used it in their day-to-day were “so cool” and felt a bit of awe at how they achieved what they wanted so quickly without lifting…

Fútbol, el deporte que las mujeres conquistaron a fuerza de derribar prejuicios

Fútbol, el deporte que las mujeres conquistaron a fuerza de derribar prejuicios

En el último medio siglo, el número de mujeres que juegan al fútbol en España ha crecido tanto que a alguien le podría venir a la cabeza la famosa frase que pronunció Alfonso Guerra cuando el PSOE ganó en 1982 sus primeras elecciones generales: “A España no la va a reconocer ni la madre que…

How US travel restrictions are changing

How US travel restrictions are changing

More than a year and a half after COVID-19 concerns prompted the U.S. to close its borders to international travelers from countries including Brazil, China, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom and much of Europe, restrictions are shifting to focus on vaccine status.  Beginning Monday, bans on travel from specific countries are over. The U.S. will…

Una ONG británica recibe 2,3 millones de un fondo en Jersey vinculado al rey emérito

Una ONG británica recibe 2,3 millones de un fondo en Jersey vinculado al rey emérito

El British Council Refugee (BCR), una discreta organización de ayuda a refugiados políticos del Reino Unido, ha recibido más de dos millones de libras (2.334.000 euros) de donación de un fondo propiedad del historiador y exbanquero Joaquín Romero Maura fallecido en 2022 en una residencia de ancianos de Zaragoza. El dinero procede de JMR 2004…

Let’s Build HTTP Client From Scratch In Rust

Let’s Build HTTP Client From Scratch In Rust

Previously, we dived into how to make an HTTP parser with no dependencies. In this blog let’s extend our knowledge further by building an HTTP client CLI😉 (I call our brand-new CLI fetch, by the way) It would be very time-consuming if we implemented all the feature requirements for modern HTTP client CLI. Instead let’s…

Premierato, Schlein: leggerezza Meloni è allucinante

Premierato, Schlein: leggerezza Meloni è allucinante

Il Quotidiano del Sud Premierato, Schlein: leggerezza Meloni è allucinante Roma, 27 mag. (askanews) – Giorgia Meloni “nel giro di 24 ore è passata da ‘o la va o la spacca’ al ‘chissenefrega dell’esito’. E’ allucinante la leggerezza con cui questa presidente del Consiglio scambia la Carta Costituzionale, che ci deve tenere insieme tutti, con…

Atenție, se modifică VALABILITATEA adeverinței care ține locul cardului de sănătate. Ce mesaj a transmis CNAS?

Atenție, se modifică VALABILITATEA adeverinței care ține locul cardului de sănătate. Ce mesaj a transmis CNAS?

Valabiitatea adeverinței a fost prelungită de la 60 de zile, cum era anterior, până la emiterea cardului duplicat, prevede un Ordin al președintelui Casei Naționale de Asigurări de Sănătate.   Până acum, durata valabilității adeverinței era de 60 de zile, fiind astfel necesară emiterea periodică a unei noi adeverințe, până la emiterea noului card.  …