Over Half of Romanians Loyal to Same Party in 2024 Votes

Over Half of Romanians Loyal to Same Party in 2024 Votes

More than 50% of Romanians say that they will vote with the party they sympathize with in both the European parliamentary and local elections, and 45.5% that they will not vote with the same party in all elections, according to a survey carried out by INSCOP on behalf of News .ro.

Also, almost half of Romanians believe that the elections will not be fair, while over 70% believe that they will be affected to a large and very large extent by misinformation and fake news.

The INSCOP survey measures the voting behavior of Romanians according to their preferred party or mayoral candidate, the perception of the fairness of the 2024 elections and the influence of fake news.

58.1% of those interviewed say that they will vote in the European Parliament elections with the party/alliance of which the preferred candidate for the mayor’s office is a member. 34.9% say that they will have another option in the European Parliament elections than the party/alliance of which the preferred candidate for mayor belongs. 2.9% say that they have not decided, 3.3% that they are not going to vote, and 0.7% do not answer.

PSD-PNL voters, people over 60, those with primary education, inactive people and rural residents, say they will vote in the European Parliament elections with the party/alliance of which the preferred candidate for mayor belongs,

ADU (United Right Alliance) and AUR voters, people with higher education, white-collar workers, residents of large urban areas, private employees, say they will have another option in the European Parliament elections than the party/alliance of which the preferred candidate for mayor belongs.

Party vote in all types of elections

50.5% of those interviewed agree with the statement “In general, if I sympathize with a political party, I vote with that party in all types of elections (European parliamentary, local, parliamentary, presidential)”.

At the opposite pole, 45.5% express their agreement with the statement “In general, if I sympathize with a political party, I do NOT vote with that party in all types of elections (European parliamentary, local, parliamentary, presidential)“.

4% of the survey participants do not know or do not answer this question.

PSD-PNL voters, those with primary education, inactive people declare in a higher proportion than the rest of the population that they usually vote for the party they sympathize with in all types of elections.

AUR voters, 30-45 year olds, those with a higher level of education, blue or white collar workers, urban dwellers large, private employees, don’t tend to vote for the party they sympathize with in all types of elections.

Fairness of the elections

50.6% of Romanians believe that this year’s elections will be generally free and fair, while 45.8% are of the opposite opinion, and 3.6% do not know or do not answer.

PSD-PNL and AUR voters, people aged between 45 and 60, people with a higher income, state employees, say that this year’s elections will be generally free and fair, while ADU voters, residents of Bucharest and people with a lower income, have an opposite opinion.

The influence of fake news on elections

When asked to what extent they believe that the 2024 elections (European parliamentary, local, parliamentary and presidential) will be affected by disinformation and fake news, 34.2% say that to a very large extent, 37% to a large extent, 19 .4% to a small extent, and 7% not at all. 2.3% do not know or do not answer.

AUR and ADU voters, those between the ages of 30 and 45, people with higher education, blue or white collar workers, private sector employees, think to a very large extent that he 2024 elections will be affected by misinformation and fake news.

AUR voters, young people under 30 and people over 60, residents of Bucharest or large urban areas and the North West region, consider that 2024 elections will be affected by disinformation and fake news to a large extent.

PSD-PNL voters, people with primary education, small urban or rural residents, those from the South-East or Central region, those with a lower income, state employees believe in a higher proportion than the average that the 2024 elections they will be affected little or not at all by misinformation and fake news.

The post Over Half of Romanians Loyal to Same Party in 2024 Votes appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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