Music Monday — What are you listening to? (Gender-nonconforming Edition)

Music Monday — What are you listening to? (Gender-nonconforming Edition)

cover image source: Giphy

I’ve got another Music Monday for y’all that is closely tied to we_coded! This time around we’re shining a light on all those artists who do not conform to the gender stereotypes and expectations of the societies in which they live. The reasons for which they do so might vary — whether they are openly defiant of gender roles that have been forced upon them or are just embracing their natural inclination to be themselves, whatever it may be these folks have forged a path that is extraordinary and outside the established gender norms. Likewise, it’s interesting to reflect on how these artists have shaped our culture — did they help normalize the fluid nature of gender today? Were they accepted or shunned by society? How was their art different than their contemporaries? This subject is rich for analysis. As with all discussions on DEV, let’s keep this one respectful and empathetic. And as with all Music Mondays, feel free to step outside the theme and share something else you’re into!

How we do

In this weekly series, folks can chime in and drop links to whatever it is they’ve been listening to recently + browse others’ suggestions. You can follow the suggested genre if you’d like, but don’t feel confined to it; you’re free to suggest whatever you wanna. 🙌

If you’re interested in having other discussions about music, consider following the aptly named #music discussions organization.

Alright, let’s hear it for all the gender-nonconformists out there breaking down barriers!

Note: you can embed a link to your song using the following syntax {% embed https://… %}. This should work for most common platforms!

Looking forward to listening to y’all’s suggestions! 🎶

🚨p.s. Check out @rachelfazio‘s sister series to Music Monday, called Podcast Palooza!🚨

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