Cradle Of Filth Being ‘Very Careful’ With Ed Sheeran Collab Release

Cradle Of Filth Being ‘Very Careful’ With Ed Sheeran Collab Release

Dani Filth, the vocalist of the extreme metal band Cradle Of Filth, recently chatted with The Music ahead of their first Australian tour in five years.

The interview saw Filth discuss his excellent vocal form, where their highly anticipated 14th album is at, and the “life code” of being in Cradle Of Filth. Also, during the interview, Filth discussed the unexpected yet much-hyped collaboration with pop megastar Ed Sheeran.

READ MORE: Dani Filth: Being In Cradle Of Filth Is A ‘Lifestyle’, Not A Musical Choice

Mentioning the collaboration without actually saying Sheeran’s name, Filth told The Music about “a song we did with a rather famous person” that’s been juggled around as Sheeran is taking some time away from music, so the band have “got to be very careful when we release so and so.”

He added, “His interaction with us was originally going to be on the album—it’s recorded; it’s all done. It was done a year ago, but it very well may see the light of day on the special edition instead, [so] that we don’t delay the release of our album by another year.”

Reports of the unlikely team-up began in 2021 when Filth revealed that Sheeran had invited him “up to his place” in an interview with Kerrang! radio

Then, in 2022, Filth indicated that the collaboration could be “coming soon”. The track has been delayed due to opposite touring schedules and Sheeran becoming a father. 

“We still have yet to finish our song with Ed Sheeran. He’s done some of it, but then he had a baby, and then he got obviously sidetracked with that and doing whatever Ed does, which is play massive shows around the globe,” Filth shared in an interview at Knotfest Finland. “He’s not at our beck and call. But he is gonna finish it, he assures me. Actually, I spoke to him quite recently. It will be released when it’s finished. We don’t know when it’s coming out.”

In December 2022, excitement ramped up again when Filth shared a new picture of himself with Sheeran and mega-producer Scott Atkins. “A little over a week ago, I was having lunch with the unlikely lads, having just done something fun,” Dani Filth wrote on Instagram, with five devil horn emojis.

Last March, Filth told Metal Hammer that the track would see the light of day at some point in 2023… which unfortunately didn’t happen.

Filth confirmed that “Ed’s done all his parts”. He added, “It’s just bass and vocals for me to do on my return to England after Easter. The plan is to do it as a charity single. We’re hoping for it to be out by the summer.”

About the song itself, Filth hinted, “It’s exactly how you can imagine it’ll sound if you can imagine Ed Sheeran with Cradle Of Filth. He plays acoustic guitar on it, but it’s heavy: it’s got a blast beat in there.”

And, hey, Ed Sheeran teaming up with Bring Me The Horizon turned out well, so why not Cradle Of Filth?

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