NYC Weekend Watch: Bulle Ogier, Hiroshi Shimizu, Marguerite Duras & More

NYC Weekend Watch: Bulle Ogier, Hiroshi Shimizu, Marguerite Duras & More

NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.

Roxy Cinema
Our House of Tolerance 35mm presentation returns Friday; prints of Night Tide and Eddie Murphy: Raw show Saturday; The Last of the Mohicans and Thief play on 35mm this Sunday.

Museum of Modern Art
A massive overview of Bulle Ogier has begun, this weekend bringing Fassbinder, Rivette, Buñuel, Duras, and more.

Museum of the Moving Image
America’s largest-ever Hiroshi Shimizu retrospective begins (watch our exclusive trailer debut); The Abyss screens on Sunday.

Anthology Film Archives
A new Marguerite Duras retrospective begins, while “Cinema of Palestinian Return” continues.

Uncharted Territories” highlights Black British cinema from 1963 to 1986.

Film at Lincoln Center
Seeing the City” presents an avant-garde vision of New York.

’90s Noir” brings Bound and Deep Cover, while Euro-Heists, a Jane Schoenbrun curation, Dream with Your Eyes Open, Ethics of Care, and Animal Farm all start; meanwhile, The Big Picture screens.

Paris Theater
1984 retrospective includes Purple Rain and Amadeus, while “Holy Matrimony” includes prints of The Wedding Banquet and Rachel Getting Married, as well as The Palm Beach Story and Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Film Forum
Le Samouraï continues in a new 4K restoration.

IFC Center
The new 4K restoration of After Hours begins a run while a Bob Fosse retro gets underway; Little Shop of Horrors, Ghost in the Shell, and John Waters’ Multiple Maniacs show late.

The post NYC Weekend Watch: Bulle Ogier, Hiroshi Shimizu, Marguerite Duras & More first appeared on The Film Stage.

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