Unreal Engine 5.4 Gorgeous Industrial Factory Tech Demo Is Too Much Even for an RTX 4080 GPU at 4K Resolution

Unreal Engine 5.4 Gorgeous Industrial Factory Tech Demo Is Too Much Even for an RTX 4080 GPU at 4K Resolution

The Unreal Engine 5.4 will push some incredible visuals, but it will come at a huge performance cost, which may force most players to turn down some settings, even on the best GPUs on the market. A new video shared on YouTube by MXBenchmarkPC shows a gorgeous Industrial Factory tech demo, which was recently ported to the latest version of the game development engine by Epic. While at 1440p resolution the GPU has no trouble running the demo at around 80/90 FPS in both daytime and nighttime scenarios, an RTX 4080 is unable to hit 60 FPS at native 4K […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/unreal-engine-5-4-gorgeous-industrial-factory-tech-demo-4080/