Sometimes our take on human nature trumps our political allegiances. Good | Sonia Sodha

Sometimes our take on human nature trumps our political allegiances. Good | Sonia Sodha

As I found during last week’s assisted dying debate, it’s not wrong to agree with the other side

It’s not often you find yourself nodding along with those with whom you normally profoundly disagree, and raising an eyebrow at the contributions of those you would count as political allies. But it was the position I found myself in listening to MPs debate assisted dying last week.

What to make of my outbreak of fervent agreement with Conservative Danny Kruger and DUP MP Ian Paisley? Some may see this as the mark of a repressed rightwinger, or a born-again social conservative. If you agree with a member of tribe X, you must de facto be part of that tribe, or so the argument goes.

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