My First Month As A Software Engineer

RMAG news


Like most people in the tech space that I have come across, my journey with tech or computers started as a kid.I had lots of interest in computers and I have carried that interest till this day.


As someone who has built or worked with personal projects a lot, every time I see a new codebase the first thing that comes to mind is that “there’s a lot to learn”. This is because there’s always something newer or something simpler than how I would usually do it. In my first week, I felt overwhelmed by most of the tasks but after that I started to get hold of the standards or inputs that were required of me.


My onboarding experience was such a calm journey, my seniors and colleagues rally made me feel at home and explained most of the things and standards to me. They also took me through the tools we use and all other stuff I would need to know. As an introvert I barely spoke or asked questions because i was shy but i’m gradually fitting in.


Even though I was abreast with OOP, I soon realised it wasn’t the standard that I was required to have. I also realised by SQL skills would be put to a test because I only got my hands dirty with “ORMS”. So far I have been putting in effort to quickly get the above skills so I can effectively contribute to my team


So far the learning curve has been okay, this is because i’m quite knowledgeable with most of the technologies or frameworks we use here. I have also been passed some resources I could use to speed up my learning process


When I started, I was given the basic tasks to perform so as to build some “stamina”. In the past weeks I have been given actual tasks that require research and lots of logic to build. I have also been allowed to take some decisions on how things should be and when the team didn’t agree, I am made to understand why my decision or choice was not good enough.Interacting with my seniors has given me a specific line of thought to take when I try to tackle or solve problems


No major achievements but I have been able to close all the tickets i have been assigned without making a mess of anything.


I can say I have experienced some level of growth in several aspects. A few of them include my confidence , problem solving skills, time management and communication.


So far I have enjoyed my experience at the workplace, the people, the benefits and the learning experience make me happy. Sometimes we may not even remember the simplest things and sometimes we write 100+ lines and everything works on the first run. Everyday isn’t the same, we can only try our best and if things don’t go well we try another day.